How to use "beside" in a sentence


'What about that one over there?' she said, pointing across the square to a small house beside the bishop's palace.

'You have two very pretty children, Madame,' a voice said from close beside her.

Now, he discovered the greatest joy he had ever known by just standing beside her bed and looking at her innocent, trusting little face

Sit down on that stone, close beside me.'

He looked up and saw a man dressed in old clothes standing beside him

Standing beside her on the doorstep was a white-haired man with a strangely nervous smile.

I almost do not recognise the two men beside me, and I think that from a distance people cannot see that I am a woman.

We want to have them beside our beds, so we can think of you every night." Cham looked over at Sala apologetically

The book of poems was beside me, on the bed

On the left, were two high iron gates and beside them a small lodge

He went first to Maxim and then sat down beside me

You will find the list on the desk beside you.'

'I will let you know.' Mrs Danvers walked beside me.

Maxim was waiting for me beside the rocks

There were flowers on the dressing table and on the table beside the bed

Mrs Danvers came back from the window and stood beside me.

Maxim stood beside me

I went and stood beside him

I stood beside Maxim and I had no feelings at all

He sat down on a chair and I went and knelt beside him.

To my surprise, Mrs Danvers was there too, with Favell beside her

Frank was beside me.

I sat beside Maxim and Colonel Julyan got into the back.

Two blocks from her house, intending to buy a quart of milk and a loaf of whole-wheat bread, Tina stopped at a twenty-four-hour market and parked in the dry yellow drizzle of a sodium-vapor light, beside a gleaming, cream-colored Chevrolet station wagon

She closed her eyes and imagined herself lying beside him, reaching for him in the dark, touching, touching, moving against him, into the shelter of his arms

As Tina slid into the booth beside Mainway, a tuxedoed captain appeared and filled her glass with Dom PS 233; rignon.

An overturned stool lay beside him, and approximately five hundred dollars' worth of green chips were scattered on the carpet

Anyway, all of that's beside the point

Tina stooped beside the wall outlet from which the computer received its electrical power and its data feed

Elliot returned to the couch and sat beside her

So it'll work out for the best either way." She returned from the window, sat on the couch again, beside Elliot

With her, sex was a delightful bonus, a lagniappe, but it wasn't the main reason he wanted her beside him

His grisly head stood on the driver's seat beside him, grinning fiendishly, filled with malevolent life even though it had been brutally severed from his body.

as if something I can't see is standing right beside me

The rising night wind thrummed against the large pane of glass beside their booth

The old man crouched beside the machine, reached behind it, found the button

Bruckster fell in beside and slightly behind his target as they pressed through the teeming mob that jammed the enormous casino

She waited beside him, arms folded, hands tucked into her armpits for warmth.

Crouching beside one of those bushes, huddling in the shadows just beyond the circle of frosty light from a nearby street lamp, he pulled the pistol out of his coat pocket while Tina drove away.

Her file folder was on the seat beside him

With the pen, she returned to the bed and sat beside the open map.

Elliot pulled a chair beside the bed and sat

It's right up there on the bad-word list beside broccoli."

He parked beside a Jeep, switched off the headlights, and cut the engine.

She took a step, then another, and before she knew it, she was at the window, beside Dombey.

I got it out of the drawer beside his bed.'

'Not in one of the drawers beside his bed?'

I opened the sitting room door and on the sofa beside Griselda, sat Gladys Cram, Dr Stone's secretary.

Then I saw the pistol lying on the floor beside him

On my way home, Dr Haydock stopped his car beside me just outside his house

When I found a place where the plants beside the path looked as though someone had walked on them, I left the path and forced my way through

'But there was a box of bullets beside it

The day after the murder, I had found broken bushes beside the path

An empty pill bottle and a glass of water were on a table beside him

I ran until I was totally exhausted and I fell down beside the road

I rushed out onto the grass and saw the tops of the trees around the Oriental College burst into smoky red flame, and the tower of the little church beside it slide down into ruins

I helped my servant into the back of the cart, then jumped up into the driver's seat beside my wife

The third and fourth stood beside him in the water

The younger lady sat beside him and made the horse move.

My brother, watching beside the women in the cart in the field, saw the green flash of it far beyond the hills

'Oh, are you still awake?' He quickly sits beside her

She lies down again and turns her face to the wall, and James throws himself down beside her.

She spoke of how kind Mother had been to her and said that she wanted to die and be buried beside Mother

Standing before me - beside her own grave - was Laura, Lady Glyde!

Quickly I climbed onto the wall beside the vestry then onto the roof

Anne had said that she wanted to die and to be buried beside Mrs Fairlie