How to use "chin" in a sentence


Javert was silent for some moments, his chin sunk in the collar of his overcoat

The rich sauce ran down Mrs Van Hopper's chin

Closing her eyes now, chewing the toast, Tina could still see him - three years old, peanut butter smeared all over his lips and chin - as he grinned and said, More neenut putter toast, please.

Others might say that her mouth was too wide, her chin too pointed

Danny wailed and shrieked, and now the earth was even with his chin, but the man in black wouldn't stop filling in the hole

And then he began planting small kisses on her forehead, on her eyes, on her cheeks, her nose, the corners of her mouth, her chin

Vince scratched his concrete-block chin with his shovel of a hand and then reached inside his jacket

He gagged, and a ribbon of foamy saliva unraveled from the corner of his mouth, down his chin

A thin film of moisture covered the victim's nose and lips and chin, but this was only the harmless medium in which the toxin had been suspended