How to use "bishop" in a sentence


'What about that one over there?' she said, pointing across the square to a small house beside the bishop's palace.

'Brother.' Mile Baptistine turned to the bishop, who was sitting by the fire

Before the bishop could reply, there was a heavy knock on the door.

'Come in,' said the bishop.

The bishop, however, looked calmly at his unexpected visitor.

'Mme Magloire,' said the bishop, 'will you please prepare another place at the table for this gentleman?'

'Mme Magloire,' the bishop went on, 'you must put clean sheets on the bed in the spare room.'

The bishop turned to the man

'I'm a priest,' said the bishop

'You can keep your money,' the bishop replied.

During dinner, Mile Baptistine looked at Valjean kindly while the bishop talked about the local cheese-making industry

After dinner, the bishop said goodnight to his sister, picked up one of the two candlesticks and, handing the other to his guest, said, 'I'll show you to your room, Monsieur.'

Valjean followed the bishop upstairs into a bedroom

This was the bishop's bedroom

As he was following the bishop across the room, however, he noticed Mme Magloire putting the silver knives and forks in a cupboard by the bed.

The bishop showed his guest into the spare room.

Then, remembering the silver on the bishop's table, he had an idea.

He then put his shoes into the bag and, grasping the iron bar in his right hand, he moved quietly towards the door of the bishop's bedroom

The bishop had not closed it.

Just as he reached the side of the bishop's bed, the moon came out from behind a cloud and filled the room with light

Valjean gazed down at the bishop's gentle, sleeping face, and felt a kind of terror

Early the next morning, while the bishop was studying the flowers in his garden, Mme Magloire ran out of the house with a look of alarm on her face.

'Yes,' said the bishop

The bishop, who had been bending sadly over a plant damaged by the basket, looked up and said gently, 'I think I was wrong to keep the silver for so long

Later that morning, as the bishop and his sister were having breakfast, there was a knock on the door

The bishop, meanwhile, had moved towards the group of men and was smiling at Jean Valjean.

'And he told you,' the bishop finished the sentence for him, 'that an old priest had given it to him? Yes, he was telling the truth.'

'Of course,' said the bishop

The bishop walked up to him and said in a low voice, 'Don't forget that you've promised to use the money to make yourself an honest man.'

'Jean Valjean,' the bishop continued, 'I've bought your soul from the Devil, and have given it to God.'

If he's found guilty of stealing from the bishop - who, as you know, died a couple of years ago - and of robbing the small boy, he'll spend the rest of his life in prison.'

That he was Jean Valjean, a criminal who had spent nineteen years in prison and who had stolen silver candlesticks from a trusting and kind-hearted bishop

One afternoon, I was having tea alone when the wife of the bishop called

'Manderley looked so beautiful,' the bishop's wife went on

'We came to a garden-party too, one summer,' the bishop's wife went on