How to use "black" in a sentence


It is round and black

The problem with using the black rock was that it hurt my left hand

I pick up the black rock and hit it as hard as I can against the boulder

A short man in strange black clothes opened a secret door on the top of the ship

Two minutes later, six large men with black masks came out, took us by the arms and took us down inside the ship.

The two men wore black hats and shoes made from seal skin

The giant squid shot black ink out of its body, and none of us could see anything

Captain Nemo put a black flag on the Nautilus with a yellow "N" in the centre of it

And who do you think I saw in the school cafe? Jenny Curran! She was all grown-up now, with pretty black hair, long legs, and a beautiful face

He was a big man, with long black hair, and he didn't want to lose!

This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "Unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of ''interposition" and "nullification" - one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

On August 30th the weather was cool, the sky was black with smoke from domestic fires, and rain fell; rain and more rain

She was wearing a blue dress, black woolen stockings, men's boots, and a black straw bonnet

Her clothes were all old and dirty: a long black jacket down to her knees, petticoats, stockings, a black skirt, and boots

She had a fight with a woman about a piece of soap and got a black eye

When she met her friend Amelia Palmer on September 2nd and 3rd she showed her the black eye and a bruise on her face

He was wearing a dark jacket and trousers, and a black cap with a peak

She wore a long black jacket, and an old black skirt

Her stockings were white, her bonnet black, and she was wearing boots

She looked about forty, and had dark brown hair under her black bonnet

She was wearing a red handkerchief around her neck, a black jacket, men's boots, and an old white apron

He said the woman was short, and wore a black jacket and bonnet

He had a black tie and a big gold watch chain

He was not tall, stout, and was wearing a black hat

He looked very strange with his tall black hat and long yellow coat.

When Cosette came downstairs, the old man gave her new clothes to wear: a black woollen dress, black stockings, scarf and shoes

Half an hour later, the people of Montfermeil saw an old man in a tall hat and long yellow coat walking along the road to Paris, hand-in-hand with a little girl dressed completely in black

The girl, who was aged thirteen or fourteen, always wore the same badly-cut black dress

Leblanc, because of his white hair, and the girl Mile Lanoire, because of her black dress,' his friend replied.

Her rough black dress had been replaced by one of fine black silk

He was wearing smart black clothes, and a gold watch chain hung from his jacket pocket.

The t-shirt is not familiar either: just simple and black

It is a red serviette with a single word written again and again in black ink.

She has a black uniform, which she always wears at work in the restaurant, and on the uniform is a badge with her name

There is no stopping now, so I pull the small stereo from one of the black bags on my shoulder, and I press play.

It looks expensive, made from black leather

Eleanor smiles shyly and moves the elegant white silk scarf that lies around her neck above her black dress

Today he just wants to get out of the hot courtroom, away from the serious lawyers in their black gowns and white wigs and go and enjoy the sun.

He takes the back stairs, passes three or four lawyers in their black gowns and white wigs and feels sorry for them: it is so hot today

And now Brandon is alone, and he feels tired and lost, and he knows that the man in the dark winter coat and black hat is near

And the man in the dark winter coat and black hat, who appeared from behind the trees.

"But it wasn't," a voice replies, and Brandon turns and sees the dark coat, only this time there is no black hat: just long, red hair

"My husband went for the money," says the woman, rifle in one hand, black hat in the other

Detective Smith is older, his hair a mixture of black and grey, his stomach large, and his expression usually unhappy

She'd turned around quickly and seen a boy: about her age but a little taller, with black hair and dark, smiling eyes..

Sala looked out at the view: nothing but black and silver tower blocks against the cold gray sky

On the front page there was some writing - hard, clear writing in black ink:

The name Rebecca stood out black and strong

A tall, thin woman dressed in black came towards us

Then another figure, dressed in black, closed the shutter

I recognized Rebecca's hard, black writing.

I saw the staircase at Manderley and Mrs Danvers standing there in her long, black dress

There was no moon and the sky above our heads was black

When she picked up the scattered sticks of chalk and the felt eraser, turning again to the chalkboard, she realized that two words were crudely printed on the black surface:

With seven massive production numbers, five major variety acts, forty-two girl dancers, forty-two boy dancers, fifteen showgirls, two boy singers, two girl singers (one temperamental), forty-seven crewmen and technicians, a twenty-piece orchestra, one elephant, one lion, two black panthers, six golden retrievers, and twelve white doves, the logistics were mind-numbingly complicated, but a year of arduous labor was evident in the slick and faultless unfolding of the program.

In her mind the two words burned, white on black: NOT DEAD.

Male dancers, wearing black tuxedos for the opening number, stood tensely, an eye-pleasing collection of lean, handsome types.

Even these days, when most machines could be played with electronically validated value cards, the nickel duchesses wore black gloves to keep their hands from becoming filthy after hours of handling coins and pulling levers; they always sat on stools while they played, and they remembered to alternate hands when operating the machines in order not to strain the muscles of one arm, and they carried bottles of liniment just in case.

Her shoulder-length hair - deep brown, almost black, glossy - swept across her brow, feathered back at the sides, and framed her face as though it were a painting by a great master

"In basic black he's dressed for any occasion-"

Then a man dressed entirely in black from head to foot, his face hidden by shadows, appeared at the far side of the pit and began to shovel dirt into it

Tina shouted at the man in black, but he ignored her and kept shoveling dirt on top of Danny

Danny wailed and shrieked, and now the earth was even with his chin, but the man in black wouldn't stop filling in the hole

She was convinced that the man in black was in her bedroom, standing silently in the darkness, grinning

She had never vented any of her black anger because, initially, she'd wanted to hide it from Danny; she hadn't wanted to turn him against his father

She thought of the man in her nightmare, the man in black whose face had been lumpy with maggots, and the shadows in the corner of her office seemed darker and deeper than they had been a moment ago.

The man in black

The man in black

The man in black?

After dinner, they adjourned to the den, where Elliot built a fire in the black-granite fireplace

She was quaking, gasping about a man dressed all in black, the monstrous figure from her dream.

He put down the black physician's bag, opened it, and withdrew a compact cassette tape recorder

On the first, a black carriage, drawn by four black horses with evil glaring eyes, rushed along a night highway, beneath a gibbous moon, and a headless man held the reins, urging the frenzied horses forward

The man dressed all in black

Yet she had dreamed about the man in black.

Tina thought of the graphic novel with the man in black on its cover

He glanced at the rearview mirror and saw a black van pull away from the curb, half a block behind them.

Elliot had the awful feeling that this guy would reach for the button Tina had pushed less than a minute ago, and that the garage door would lift just as the black van was rolling slowly by in the street.

"No black van," she said.

Several blocks to the north, an ugly column of smoke rose into the twilight sky from what was left of Tina's house, roiling, night-black, the upper reaches tinted around the edges by the last pinkish rays of the setting sun.

As he drove from one residential street to another, steadily heading away from the smoke, working toward a major thoroughfare, Elliot expected to encounter the black van at every intersection.

The traffic thinned out as they drove farther from the heart of town, closer to the looming black mountains that thrust into the last electric-purple light in the western sky.

Elliot swung the car around and started back toward the lights of the city, which spread like a vast, glowing fungus on the black desert plain.

He squinted through the glass into the perfectly black interior, and he had the disconcerting feeling that someone was hiding in there, staring out at him.

With that in mind, Bruckster wore a cheap green polyester leisure suit, black loafers, and white socks

Dealers in black trousers, white shirts, and string ties were ascending.

Above the lights that cast a frosty glow on the airport parking lot, the heavily shrouded sky was moonless, starless, perfectly black

For the most part, Reno's streets were clean and dry in spite of a recent snowfall, though occasional patches of black ice waited for the unwary motorist

They traveled an additional quarter of a mile before Luciano Bellicosti's home and place of business came into sight on the left, beyond a black-bordered sign that grandiosely stated the nature of the service that he provided: FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND GRIEF COUNSELOR

The long driveway curved up and to the right, like a width of black funeral bunting draped across the rising, snow-shrouded lawn

The rear windows were blank, black; a sentry might be standing behind any of them, invisible in the darkness.

Billy Sandstone was in his late thirties, as small and lean as a jockey, and his watchword seemed to be "neatness." His shoes shone like black mirrors

His insulated suit was green with white stripes; hers was white with green and black stripes

The Explorer roared across the straightaway and careened up the slope beyond, through the tendrils of steam that rose from the black pavement.

They're on the table closest to the outer door - that black box full of diskettes

He didn't like the black Americans, so during the Civil War he fought against the men from the North, and with those from the South

But when the South lost the war, and there was equality for black people, Uncle Elias left America

They wanted to stop equality for black people and to kill anyone who didn't agree with them

I had just managed to pull on trousers and a shirt and grab a hat and coat, when a black Citroen stopped outside the door.

Its head is white instead of black, and it has a strange sort of leg.'

From this hung something long and black and wet at the end.

'You mean I should wear black? I won't bother

'But she has only been in my study once since the murder, and then she was dressed in black and did not wear blue earrings.'

Even then he hardly understood what was happening, until he heard another sound and saw the black mark jump forwards a little

I had the sunset in my eyes and for a moment the round hole seemed black.

It was the head of the shop assistant who had fallen in, looking black against the hot western sky

And then, coming from the direction of Horsell, I noticed a little black group of men, the first of whom was waving a white flag

Then the humming stopped and the black, rounded object sank slowly out of sight into the pit.

The tops of the trees and the roofs of Horsell were sharp and black against the western sky

Overhead the clouds were passing fast, mixed here and there with clouds of black and red smoke, although no wind moved the bushes around me

I heard a church strike midnight, and then I saw Maybury Hill, with its tree-tops and roofs black and sharp against the red sky.

Across the light, great black shapes moved busily backwards and forwards.

I turned my desk chair to the window and stared out at the country and, in particular, at the three enormous black Things that were moving around the common

Thick black smoke was rising to mix with the steam from the river.

The Martians are able to send out enormous clouds of black smoke

A few minutes later these three were joined by four other Martians, each carrying a thick black tube

At the same time four of the fighting-machines, also carrying tubes, crossed the river, and two of them, black against the western sky, came into sight of myself and the curate as we hurried along the road to the north.

I had a sudden thought and looked to the north, and there I saw a third of these cloudy black hills.

At the time we could not understand these things, but later I learnt the meaning of these frightening black hills

They did this to the black clouds near us, as we saw in the starlight from the upper window of an empty house

There were shouts of fear, the guns suddenly left behind, men on the ground struggling to breathe, and the fast spreading of the dark smoke - a silent black cloud hiding its dead.

There were people of every class and profession, but they were all dusty; their skins were dry, their lips black and cracked, and all of them looked very afraid.

It one had flown over London that morning, every road to the north or east would have seemed black with moving refugees, everyone a frightened and exhausted human being.

This hit its left side and sent up a black cloud that the ship moved away from

Because rushing out beyond the smoke and steam came something long and black with flames coming from it.

All this time the steamboat was moving steadily out to sea and away from the fight, and when at last the steam cleared, the black cloud got in the way and they could see nothing of either the Thunder Child or the third Martian

Then suddenly, out of the golden sunset, came the sound of guns and the sight of black shadows moving

When we looked out I saw the country covered with black dust, but we were no longer trapped

Here and there along the road, and in Sunbury itself, were dead bodies of horses as well as men, turned-over carts and luggage, all covered thickly with black dust

Once again, on the Surrey side, there was black dust that had once been smoke, and some dead bodies - a number of them near the approach to the station.

Four or five little black figures hurried in front of it, and in a moment it became obvious that this Martian was hunting them

It was like a black snake moving its head from side to side.

His black hair fell over his eyes, and his face was dark and dirty and thin, so at first I did not recognize him.

There was black dust on the road after the bridge, and it grew thicker in Fulham

Here I found more black powder and some dead bodies

The black powder covered them and softened their shapes

Where there was no black powder, it was curiously like Sunday in the financial area of London, with the closed shops, the houses locked up and the curtains closed

In South Kensington the streets were clear of dead people and of black powder, and near there I first heard the howling

I came into Oxford Street by Marble Arch, and here again were black powder and several bodies

I was tired after eating and went into the room behind the bar and slept on a black leather sofa that I found there.

In front of me the road became black and I saw the twisted shape of a body lying across the pavement

I marched on without fear towards this great machine, and then, as I came nearer and the light grew, I saw that a number of black birds were circling and gathering around the top of it

At night I see the black powder-darkening the silent streets, and the twisted bodies covered by it

Holmes, with a laugh, put his hand behind the ear of the little girl, and pulled off the mask, and there was a little coal-black girl

I took every possible precaution so that there would not be gossip about a little black girl

Poor Harris, his face was almost black.

This cat was big and black

The new pair of black shoes are more sensible than their owner, though

Mrs Catherick was a hard-looking woman dressed in black

In the USA, a lot of black women have fought for freedom

She is famous because she did not stand up! When Rosa was a young woman, in many places in the USA, black people - who were called "coloureds" at that time - and white people could not sit together.

From a young age, Rosa knew that "there was a black world and a white world," as she said later

One of the places where black people and white people did not mix was on buses

White people sat in the front of the line, and black people had to sit behind it

This meant that, when a black person caught the bus, they had to get on at the front of the bus to pay

The driver stopped the bus and asked four black people to stand up

Three of the black people on Rosa's bus stood up, but Rosa did not

What Rosa did on that bus was very important in the fight for black people's rights in the USA.

Who is he? Where is he from? He wears a black mask and no one can see his face

He has black hair and dark eyes

He is dressed in black

He has a black mask and a black sombrero

Lolita is a lovely girl with long black hair and dark eyes.

Zorro takes off his black mask.