How to use "approximately" in a sentence


We know that witnesses often make small errors in time, so the man Mrs Darrell saw was very probably the murderer, and he attacked Annie at approximately 5.30 a.m

His beat took him there approximately every thirty minutes, so at 2.55 he was back in Goulston Street

An overturned stool lay beside him, and approximately five hundred dollars' worth of green chips were scattered on the carpet

The lead story in this issue was about a boy, approximately Danny's age, mistakenly pronounced dead, then buried alive, and then exhumed.

Two hundred yards away, at the far side of the concrete field, stood a one-story windowless building, approximately a hundred feet long, with a steeply pitched slate roof.

They were in a rectangular room approximately forty feet by twenty

It was his opinion that the colonel had been shot at approximately 6.20 to 6.30 - certainly not later than 6.35.