How to use "blinked" in a sentence


Vivienne blinked in amazement, unable to understand what she had seen

She blinked rapidly, closed her eyes, opened them again, but still the doorknob appeared to be sheathed in a thin, irregular jacket of ice.

She blinked in the sudden light and saw that she was alone.

He blinked in surprise

The message blinked and vanished from the screen

He blinked

Tom blinked

Elliot blinked at her, amazed by her natural facility for deception.

She blinked back tears and took a swallow of beer.

The headlights blinked off and stayed off.

She blinked

He blinked his eyes and tuned out Sandstone's melodious voice when he realized that he was succumbing to it.

She blinked in confusion, then glanced down at the route that she had marked on the map

The boy blinked, and with what appeared to be great effort, at the cost of more than a little pain, he withdrew one arm from under the covers and reached out toward her

Tina blinked