How to use "blocks" in a sentence


As they traveled, towering blocks of apartments rose up high all around them

Sala and Cham stepped off the walkway near their apartment blocks, and as they did so, someone knocked Sala's elbow, then held her arm for a second.

Gran looked out at the view of towering blocks, stretching into the distance

The building was enormous, higher even than the tallest apartment blocks

Sala looked out at the view: nothing but black and silver tower blocks against the cold gray sky

Here, the tower blocks seemed taller and more depressing than ever, built closely together so that the spaces between them were always in shadow

She brought out her paints, and, sitting in her room, started working on a picture: the green leaves of Gran's Real Space, bright and bursting with life; gray tower blocks in the background

Two blocks from her house, intending to buy a quart of milk and a loaf of whole-wheat bread, Tina stopped at a twenty-four-hour market and parked in the dry yellow drizzle of a sodium-vapor light, beside a gleaming, cream-colored Chevrolet station wagon

When Elliot rounded the corner two blocks later, he braked from sixty miles an hour to make the turn

Several blocks to the north, an ugly column of smoke rose into the twilight sky from what was left of Tina's house, roiling, night-black, the upper reaches tinted around the edges by the last pinkish rays of the setting sun.

When they had gone two blocks, he said, "Turn right at the next corner." After two more turns and another three blocks, he said, "Pull it to the curb

They abandoned the Chevrolet in a public parking lot, four blocks from Harrah's.

It's in a public lot about three blocks from here."