How to use "heart" in a sentence


My heart is going much too fast

As usual, you speak with your mind and not your heart."

The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

Then, his heart full of grief for what he had done, he buried his face in his hands and, for the first time in nineteen years, he cried.

The next morning, Fantine kissed her daughter goodbye and left for Montreuil, crying as if her heart would break.

'That nasty little girl, who isn't even my own daughter, who I feed and look after out of the kindness of my heart, has been playing with my daughters' doll.'

Nothing had ever touched his heart until he had rescued Cosette

Valjean's heart almost stopped beating and he began to sweat.

He felt his face go red and his heart beat loudly in his chest

He kissed the handkerchief, breathed in its perfume, wore it next to his heart by day and kept it under his pillow at night.

He never appeared in the Luxembourg Gardens without the handkerchief pressed to his lips or his heart

Sometimes he saw a shadow pass in front of a lamp, and his heart beat faster.

Marius waited, his heart aching with pain, until finally going home

Please, Monsieur, show us the kindness of your generous heart again

Marius's heart seemed to miss a beat

Her heart on fire, she took the notebook upstairs to her bedroom and read every word again

As she read the notebook, she knew in her heart that he was the author of these beautiful, romantic words

Finally, she kissed the book, held it to her heart and waited for the evening, when she knew that something special was going to occur.

Cosette, feeling her body close to his, took his hand and pressed it against her heart

He murmured to himself, 'She's going to leave me,' and the pain of those words cut into his heart like a knife.

He stared at the blotter, coldness in his eyes, the darkness of the deepest night in his heart

He went out into the night and sat on the doorstep, his heart filled with a terrible hatred for the man who was trying to steal Cosette from him

This was enough to fill his hate-filled heart with sudden joy

In his heart he knew he had no choice

It was the only way he knew to escape the confusion that was poisoning his heart.

After listening to Marius's heart, he organized his removal to a bed in another room, and returned to M

'If I had continued to keep my secret to myself, I would have destroyed my own heart,' Valjean replied

'She'll be heart-broken if she hears the truth about me

She still loved him in her heart

There is nothing cruel about the face, but I know instantly that this is the man that has Catherine, and I hate that face with all of my heart.

He stops, his heart suddenly beating faster.

Something that makes your heart beat faster

Inside the room everything is silent, apart from the slow and constant tick of the small clock on the wall, and the fast, irregular beat of your heart.

And your heart slows, and the sensation of ice-cold fear begins to leave you.

Your heart is beating so fast that you do not feel anything but the strange mixture of fear and anger.

She could say with her hand on her heart that this year - her eighteenth - had been the best so far

When she saw him over by the taste-pot machine, her heart jumped

A call came in on Sala's ultranet connection, and her heart jumped.

A message - from Cham! His smiling face, saying simply: "Can you come to mine?" Sala's heart flooded with happiness

They'd never had to make a big decision like this before, and she wished with all her heart that he wasn't making her choose

And I'd wish with all my heart that there was something better for you."

Here, we are free, and we have beauty all around us, but my heart breaks when I think of you trapped in that city, like a bird in a cage.

Sala's heart fell

Sala's heart almost stopped

When she came toward the biggest walkway of all - the one that stretched right across the city - Sala's heart started beating faster

Sala's heart beat a little faster

With all my heart."

Your heart isn't strong

My heart jumped

The Happy Valley was the heart of Manderley, the Manderley I would soon know and love.

My heart was beating in a strange, excited way.

As I went up the path, a strange fear began to fill my heart.

I still had a strange feeling of fear in my heart

This was the reason for the strange fear in my heart

My heart began to beat fast

I held his hands against my heart

The bullet went through her heart.'

Suddenly Tina's mouth went dry and sour, and her heart thudded

She had loved Danny with all her heart, but he was gone

Her heart knotted in her chest, and her lower lip began to quiver again, and she put her head down on the table

Then she heard the thumping of her own heart.

Nah, I don't think it's his heart

And those bed-hopping weekends broke my heart, Michael, broke my heart - which is what you hoped to do, so that was all right with you

Her heart seemed to be pumping a refrigerant instead of blood, and an iciness radiated from it.

Even though he was only a creature from a nightmare, and even though it was utterly impossible for him to be here in the flesh, she couldn't shake the heart-clenching feeling that he was in the room

They weren't supposed to go into the true heart of the wilderness

"Your heart out."

"Twelve years leaves a big hole in the heart."

The traffic thinned out as they drove farther from the heart of town, closer to the looming black mountains that thrust into the last electric-purple light in the western sky.

In a flash of understanding, she saw through to the heart of the mystery

He said, "I don't want to see your heart broken."

In two seconds, it was in his bloodstream, and the first seizure hit his heart.

"I'm no doctor," Bruckster said, "but it sure looks like a heart attack to me, the way he dropped like a stone, same way my uncle Ned went down last Fourth of July right in the middle of the fireworks display."

"How could it be a heart attack, him being so young?" Bruckster wondered

The hotel doctor would call it a heart attack after he had examined the body

He planned a suicide for Stryker, an accidental death for the woman, and a heart attack for the woman's husband

"Yeah," Elliot said, still mildly amazed by his own change of heart and mind

Elliot scanned the night, his heart clutching up

She drove into the heart of town

They drove onto the track, under the roof of heavy evergreen boughs, into the heart of the forest.

She took the last few steps haltingly, her heart pounding, her throat constricted

It was such a tentative smile, such a vague ghost of all the broad warm smiles she remembered, that it broke her heart.

A large piece suddenly came off with a sharp noise that brought his heart into his mouth

I had never touched a dead body before, but I forced myself to turn him over and feel for his heart

Besides this they had a heart, but they had no stomach because they did not eat

I hesitated, then with a rush of desperate courage, and with my heart beating violently, I climbed to the top of the pile of earth in which I had been buried.

I stood staring into the pit, and my heart grew wonderfully happy as the rising sun lit up the world around me

I tried to feel my heart

He listened to my heart and looked at my tongue

My heart beat fast.

The touch of her fingers or the sweet smell of her hair made my heart beat fast

His heart is broken, and so is Laura's! I did this, and I did it for Sir Percival Glyde!

Dr Goodricke examined her and said, 'This is a serious case of heart disease

The cause of death was heart disease.

Now that she was better, my heart began to beat fast again when she was near me, our hands began to shake when they met.

There, at Blackwater Park, I met the magnificent creature who is inscribed on my heart as 'Marian'

You are young and rich, but you are not strong or romantic! Do you have a heart?" says Lolita