How to use "buy" in a sentence


They want him to buy a good insurance policy.'

She looked pale, so Amelia gave her two pennies to buy something to eat

The Thenardiers wrote her a frightening letter in which they told her that Cosette had no clothes, and that they needed ten francs immediately to buy her a new dress

After selling her hair to the barber, Fantine was able to buy a woollen dress, which she sent to the Thenardiers

All the children in Montfermeil had gazed with wonder at this doll, but nobody in the village had enough money to buy it.

'He dresses so poorly but can afford to buy the most expensive doll in Montfermeil!'

And he begins to imagine Nick's face when he sees the bag, and he already begins to imagine the food that he can buy.

She can get it as she passes the restaurant, buy a bottle of wine from the local shop and be in bed by ten o'clock.

"I'll buy these," said Sala

Two blocks from her house, intending to buy a quart of milk and a loaf of whole-wheat bread, Tina stopped at a twenty-four-hour market and parked in the dry yellow drizzle of a sodium-vapor light, beside a gleaming, cream-colored Chevrolet station wagon

If the audience at this evening's VIP premiere reacted enthusiastically, she might have to buy lead weights to keep herself from floating off the floor when she walked.

But I don't buy it

"We'll buy whatever we need before we leave."

I long ago wore out the three pairs of shoes that I was able to buy with my after-expenses and after-tax income from the project which, had it come to fruition, might have been titled I Think There's a Rat Chewing My Foot in Dean Koontz's Theater

"I can buy you a new hat, Bernardo," Natalie says

"Can I buy you a new hat? Do you know a store near here?"

Old Hall goes to me, but Lettice can choose enough furniture for a small house, and she will have enough money to buy one.'

He sent one of the girls to buy the nails

Life is not much fun if you work as a typist in an office, and you earn so little that you can't even buy yourself a nice pair of shoes

And she is not the type who would borrow money just to buy a pair of shoes; she would just wear her old pairs till things got better