How to use "cabin" in a sentence


Their cabin by the lake was cold and empty, and there were no jobs for him anywhere.

Brandon pulled him from the old deserted cabin, and they ran for Greg's truck

"But which kid?" Brandon asked as they planned everything in Greg's cabin.

Greg made the call to the hotel, and they drove to the cabin in the Yoho national park

I saw the tracks from your truck, and I told the police, but I made sure I found the cabin first

He's in the back room of the cabin."

'The cabin door was closed, so he broke a window and looked in

There was a body in there on the cabin floor

'It's Rebecca's body lying there on the cabin floor.'

I carried her body to the cabin, took the boat out that night and sank it

It's Rebecca who's lying there on the cabin floor

'They will make sure that the body in the cabin is Rebecca

I laid the body on the floor of the cabin

I shut the cabin door behind me, climbed into the dinghy and rowed back

They'll find out that it's Rebecca's body in the cabin.'

'They will think the boat sank when Rebecca went down into the cabin

'Is it true,' she asked slowly, 'that Mrs de Winter's boat has been found and that there was a body in the cabin?'

'I suppose Mrs de Winter had to go down into the cabin for something

Colonel Julyan thinks she was trapped in the cabin and the jury will think that too.'

'You have told us that the door and windows of the cabin were shut?'

Then I read about Rebecca's boat and the body in the cabin

As he sat in the dimly lighted cabin of the fan-jet and watched the clouds racing below, Alexander wondered what his father and his uncles would say if they knew that his service to his country had often required him to issue kill orders

A traveller would be placed in a cabin at the station, the machine would be turned on, and the traveller would disappear and reappear almost immediately at the chosen receiving station.