How to use "conversation" in a sentence


And that was all of our conversation for several days.

'But after this conversation, you must dismiss me.'

Now, after his conversation with the girl from the next room, he understood what real poverty was

The conversation continued politely in this way for several minutes

Despite enjoying an occasional conversation with him, he found something strange about the old man

Well, good evening gentlemen." Carolina says, and the three men stop their conversation and smile.

"Oh, well, I suppose we can change the subject, but we are having a really interesting conversation."

"And what is this interesting conversation that I am interrupting?"

"Well, our conversation is about murder," says Peter to fill the silence "the perfect murder."

No, these kids are okay, but they are loud, and it is impossible for Sarah not to hear their conversation

And now there is silence in the carriage, and Sarah sees that everyone is listening to the conversation.

She does not want to think about their conversation or the horrible reason why the tube is so quiet

The conversation with Gran had gotten her thinking.

Sala explained everything-about the special offer, and their conversation at the energy center.

There was a big conversation coming, and she wasn't looking forward to it.

"Almost, though." For the first time in their conversation, Cham was silent

What if the government was bugging their conversation?

Gran and Mom listened as Sala described the conversation

But after the conversation where he'd talked about reporting things, Sala felt unsure of him, all the same.

She just had to hope that no one was listening in on their conversation.

The roar of conversation grew louder as the sounds ticked away, and the quality of the roar became more frenetic, gayer, and more often punctuated with laughter.

The conversation had the disorienting quality of the off-kilter exchanges between Alice and the scrawny denizens of Wonderland.

Zachariah would report their conversation in detail, and Dombey needed to assume a more balanced position for the record

Five feet away, a door stood ajar, and animated conversation drifted out of the room beyond

This is because the conversation around the table contained details, which affected later developments.

I suddenly remembered the conversation last night, and Lawrence Redding telling us he had a Mauser.

So the two policemen heard the whole conversation

I had no regrets about this, but in the stillness of the night, with a sense that God was near, I thought again of every part of our conversation from the time we had first met

Neither spoke, but the conversation was probably like this:

After they had gone a mile or so from the house, the man started a conversation.

I remembered my conversation with Walter that day in the garden with horror

I thought to myself, I must hear their conversation.

Up on the roof, I was getting wet, but I had to hear their conversation to the end.

I changed into dry clothes, lit a candle, and wrote down the conversation

I noticed that a man close to us was listening with interest to our conversation