How to use "care" in a sentence


Something about the visions tells me that I have not given the people I care about enough attention

It's full of dead mosquitoes but I don't care

I therefore consider that, in view of the Constitution and the laws, the Union is unbroken; and to the extent of my ability I shall take care, as the Constitution itself expressly enjoins upon me, that the laws of the Union be faithfully executed in all the States

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.

'I'll take care of myself, and I won't fall into his hands.

He'll be so happy to see me that he won't care who I marry

Someone fired a gun and a bullet hit a wall just behind him, but he didn't care.

While the soldiers waited at the far end of the street for further orders, and the rebels removed dead bodies from the barricade and took care of the wounded, Marius walked around the stronghold in a kind of dream

They'll take care of you there

He then gives him another long, hard look, but Oliver does not care.

Many of the other students still talked about nothing but Pod Life, but she didn't care.

It rained constantly, but Sala didn't really care; the dark, miserable skies matched her mood

She didn't care what he thought

Someone had chosen everything in this room with the greatest care

I did not care

Take care of yourself

'What do I care for his pain?' she said

She didn't care

She was my enemy and I did not care

'I don't care about anything else

Besides, for the past twenty-one years, ever since her Harry died, she had always taken care of herself

"I don't care what it costs," Tina said.

But we can take care of two easily enough, and maybe we'll get lucky and have one boy and one girl

"I don't care," she said.

I'll take care of it."

Why in the hell should Kennebeck care whether or not Danny's grave is reopened? Why should you care? Who the hell are you people?"

She felt as if a vast unbridgeable gap separated her from people like these, and she wondered if she ever again would be as relaxed and free from care as these diners were at this moment.

"I'll take care of it, folks." He called to one of the waitresses: "Jenny, check the thermostat

He tried to appear intently interested in the outcome of this game, but in fact, he didn't care

Every ship was created with remarkable care and craftsmanship, and many were in uniquely shaped bottles that made their construction all the more difficult and admirable.

"That's taken care of," Alexander assured him

We have to go after these two with more care than usual

I don't care how much of a hurry you're in

"I don't care if it's hailing iron basketballs," Alexander said

'I am sorry that I am so useless at taking care of the house,' said my wife, whose name is Griselda

'I do care about you, my dear.'

Lettice didn't care about him at all

'Don't you care?'

We got there without any problems at about nine o'clock, and the horse had an hour's rest while I had supper with my cousins and left my wife in their care.

'I don't care about the soap,' I answered

We wanted the water to think that we did not care about it

That's because I take good care of it.

We asked him to take care of the boat until the next morning

'I normally take good care of my girlfriends.'

'If I were you, I would stop worrying because it seems Mercy can take care of herself quite well,' said James.

'Dow-dah-dee-day! How's my dear young man today? Grow up fast and come to take care of Auntie Mercy.'

I am the housekeeper at Blackwater Park, and I took care of Miss Halcombe when she was ill

When I left her house, I saw two men following me, but I did not care