How to use "door" in a sentence


8.45 am I arrive at the Horseshoe Canyon carpark early in the morning, pull my bike from the truck and lock the door

A short man in strange black clothes opened a secret door on the top of the ship

They put us into a dark room, then closed the door behind us

Ned screamed at the locked door, but no one answered his call.

The door opened again after some minutes

He and some of his men went up and opened the outside door of the Nautilus

There is electricity around that door

The next afternoon, Captain Nemo suddenly opened my door

One man went to open the door to the platform

She took the key and tried to open each door with it

Then she saw a very small door about 40 centimeters high

She put her head down and looked through the door into a beautiful garden

Sadly, she shut the door again and put the key back on the table.

'Now I can go through that door,' she thought

She went to the door, but could not open it

Then I can get under the door into the garden.'

Then she went to the door and opened it

'Now I can go into the garden!' thought Alice, and she started to run to the little door

Above the door were the words 'W

He tried to open the door

She opened the door and went in.

She looked round and saw a door in one of the trees

'A door in a tree? That's strange!' she thought

And she opened the door and went inside.

I can get through the little door into the garden.'

She took it and opened the little door

When she was about 30 centimeters high, she walked through the door into the garden.

I ran all round the airport, and then I ran into a toilet and locked the door

Suddenly, a door behind me opened - and there was Jenny!

'Forrest Gump!' And she ran out of the door and threw her arms round me.

Suddenly, the door opened behind me, and there was Jenny.

She listened quietly, then opened the car door for me to get in, and we sat and talked.

I was just walking out again when I saw a little old man who was playing chess with himself at a table near the door

The name BECKWITH was painted on one door

I went in the door marked Beckwith

That man standing at the door is Mr Sampson's servant

From Hanbury Street people entered the house through a door next to Mrs Hardiman's shop

The door opened to a passage about 7-8 metres long

At the end of the passage there was a door to the backyard

This morning he also wanted to check the cellar door at the back

John walked through the passage and opened the door to the yard

It was getting light and he could see that the lock on the cellar door was secure

There was a front door to the club in Berner Street, and a side door in Dutfield's Yard that opened into the club kitchen

He went with her to the street door and asked her to shut it when she left.

Mr Morris, the night watchman in the warehouse, went to the door and looked into the square 'two moments before Constable Watkins called him

Mrs Cox saw the stranger in the light of the gas lamp opposite Mary's front door

The window nearest to the door was broken in two places

The door was locked

Inspector Abbeline arrived at 11.30 a.m., but he could not give the order to break open the door until 1.30 p.m

At 1.30 when the news came that the dogs were not coming, he told McCarthy to break open the door

Barnett and Mary used to put a hand through the broken window and pull back the bolt to open the door.

It was only 4-5 metres square and the door banged against the bedside table

He then crossed the square towards an inn, and entered by the kitchen door.

'I've knocked at every door.'

If you like, I can make arrangements now to get a lock put on the door

Before the bishop could reply, there was a heavy knock on the door.

The door opened and Jean Valjean, the stranger, walked in

He then put his shoes into the bag and, grasping the iron bar in his right hand, he moved quietly towards the door of the bishop's bedroom

He gave the door a gentle push and crept into the bedroom

The first thing he saw when he opened the door was the basket of silver

Later that morning, as the bishop and his sister were having breakfast, there was a knock on the door

Everybody stood to one side to let him pass as he made his way towards the door

But suddenly her face froze, and she stared with horror at the door

Miserably, she picked up a large, empty bucket that was almost as big as she was, and was walking with it to the door when Madame Thenardier stopped her.

At that moment the door opened and Eponine and Azelma appeared

He took a key from the pocket of his long yellow coat and opened the old wooden door

A few evenings later, while he was giving Cosette a reading lesson in his room, Valjean heard the front door of the house open and close

He sat in his chair with his back to the door and held his breath

A light was shining through a crack in his door

Running to the door, he put his eye to the large keyhole and saw the back view of a man who was walking towards the stairs

He knocked on the door and spoke to the concierge.

With those words he slammed the door in Marius's face.

The next morning, while he was working, there was a gentle knock on his door.

With those words, she gave a little laugh and wave, grabbed some dry bread from the table and disappeared out of the door.

Only a thin wall separated him from the family of lost souls in the room next door

Marius, depressed at what he saw, was going to get down from the cupboard when the door of the Jondrettes' room opened and the elder girl came in

Slamming the door shut behind her she cried victoriously, 'He's coming!'

Moments later, there was a gentle knock on the door

Leblanc and 'Ursula' out of the door and, after a few minutes' indecision, Marius jumped down from the cupboard and ran out into the street

He went into his room, pushing the door behind him, but the door would not shut

Now please leave me alone.' Marius tried again to shut the door, but she still held it open.

She left immediately, closing the door behind her.

Finally, he asked Marius for his door key and told him to go home and hide quietly in his room so that his neighbours would think he was out.

'And you're sure he's not in next door?'

Suddenly, at exactly six o'clock, the door into the Jondrettes' room opened.

Jondrette was on his left, his wife was standing on his right near the door

Finally, there was the sound of horses in the street outside and, moments later, the door to the room was thrown open.

They threw the rope ladder from the open window but, before they could escape, the door opened and Inspector Javert walked in.

He had just reached the door, however, when M

The proud young man had closed the door and gone.

Marius, who had thrown away his guns and was now without a weapon, began to move towards a barrel of gunpowder he had seen near the door of the wine shop

The sky grew lighter, but not a door or window was open in the street

Some men, including Marius, stayed on the main barricade, while the others built a low stone wall around the door of the wine shop

They stood with their backs to the door, shooting up at the soldiers who were climbing down towards them from the barricade

As the two friends moved back towards the door, fighting off the soldiers, a bullet hit Marius in the shoulder

Before long, they broke down the door and rushed inside

Gillenormand's house, a servant answered the door.

At the end of the rue de l'Homme-Arme, which was too narrow for the carriage to enter, Javert paid the driver and accompanied Valjean to his front door on foot.

Leaning against the door for support, he murmured, 'Marius!'

But at the door he half-turned and said, 'Monsieur, if you will permit me, I would like to come and see her

When he arrived, he discovered that the fire had not been lit, and the armchairs had been left near the door

As Thenardier continued to talk, Marius opened a cupboard door and took out a coat.

Jean Valjean looked up when he heard the knock on his door and called in a weak voice, 'Come in.'

The door opened and Marius and Cosette appeared

He knocked at the door: tap, tap.

The wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it been more than three days since he had eaten

He then shut the door and got into the grandmother's bed, expecting Little Red Riding Hood, who came some time afterwards and knocked at the door: tap, tap.

Little Red Riding Hood pulled the bobbin, and the door opened.

And then the guard is at the door, a short fat man who looks at us, smiles and then opens it without a single question

I can see Robin's gun appear in his hand, and then I am inside too, and I pull the door shut.

To my left I see the short fat man sit down on the floor with his hands on his head; then Robin runs to the office and kicks open the door.

She seems to nod, and he stands up and goes to the door

"What?" she says before he can open the door

An hour later Branwell closes the door of the interview room and sighs

He walks up the corridor to the front desk and is about to shout for an officer when he sees the tall figure standing at the door of the police station

William was my brother..." he says as he opens the door to the rain

Gerry pushes open the door of the small Australian pub and steps onto the terrace with a pint of cold beer in his hand

Then he pushes open a fire door to his personal smoking area at the back of the court next to the bins and lights his cigarette

Nick looks at her for a second and then turns and runs back to the door.

He pushes the door to the courtroom open

He moves towards another door and then hears someone else enter court.

For a second he does not know what to say, but he knows what to do, and he pulls his hand away and moves to the door

Then the door opens and the lawyers return, and Mrs Dawson's expression of sadness returns

And he hears the door to the judge's chamber open.

Or something closer? Something inside the house? The sound of breaking glass? The noise of the front door opening? A voice in the dark?

The door of your wardrobe is open, and the clothes inside look like three or four small burglars watching you

The lamp in the corner of the room looks like the tall, silent figure of a murderer, and the coat on the back of your door has hands that almost touch you.

You walk silently to the door of your room

You open the door a little more and step out onto the landing

The light switch is not near your door but halfway to the stairs

The door to the spare room is half open, and you can hear the sound of the wind outside

You take one more step to the door

Then the door begins to open slowly and quietly

He pauses for a moment to try and remember what he has to do next, but then the door to the church opens again, and three women enter

As he does not want them to see his face, he pulls open the left door to the box and enters.

Something moving against the door of the confessional

And Barry tries to push the door open.

But before he can decide what, the cop is at the door, and Dan drops his cigarette.

He sees the cop car and runs to it and pulls open the door.

And he remembers the last thing she said before she closed the door to the hotel room.

The door to the tower is in another corridor, and when they open it, they hear footsteps on the stairs

Then the hammering they heard in the headmaster's office starts again, and the policemen go to the door.

Below the water a metal door slides open

And they shut the door on what remains of Jimmy Lane.

They reached the simulator center, and Sala lifted her wrist to touch a gray screen by the door

At Space 234, they stepped inside the little room and closed the door

And then someone had opened the door, making the whole illusion break up

But Cham had come in and closed the door, and they had started to talk

Sala walked out, and the screen on the door of her apartment recognized her, and let her in.

At Cham's door, she stood by the recognition screen and waited.

The door opened

The door recognized that they had tickets, and let them in

Zee guided Sala into her pod; the door closed, and she could feel the cool metal attachments touching her face and her body suit

Then there was another door

another door

At that moment, a door opened at the far end of the room, and a man appeared

"OK," he replied, and the door closed again.

After looking around to check that no one was watching her, she slipped quietly down the passageway, and found the same door as before

At last, she reached the door to the earth apartment

Sala stood by the recognition screen and waited until Cham's mom Dani came to the door.

Technicians appeared at the door and everyone began to stand up.

The door of the apartment opened and Apat came in, back from visiting a friend for dinner.

The seat was between the restaurant and the main door of the hotel

There was a knock on the door

I went into the bathroom and locked the door

Mrs Van Hopper knocked on the bathroom door.

I knocked on the door.

I opened the door

I stood by the door, feeling silly and awkward.

We came to the door of Mrs Van Hopper's rooms.

I opened the door.

'I'm afraid it's all my fault,' he said and then he shut the door

As I stood there, the door opened and Maxim came in.

At the top of the steps, a big door stood wide open

Inside the open door, the servants stood in two lines

My thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the door

At last Mrs Danvers opened a door leading into a small room

There was a sound outside the door and Mrs Danvers stopped talking

Suddenly I shivered as though a door had opened behind me

I took a door to the left

As I turned to go back to the stairs, I heard a door open behind me

I pushed at the door

Another door at the end of the room led into a small boat-house

The door was open

'The door should be locked,' Maxim said

Then he went quickly into the library and shut the door.

The door opened before Maxim could answer

The door opened without a sound and Mrs Danvers came into the room

I pushed open the door

I looked through the door and saw Ben sitting by the wall

Then I heard voices and, without thinking, I hid behind the door

He saw me standing behind the door

I turned the handle of the nearest door and went inside

We stood there by the door, staring at one another

I went down the stairs and through the door to the east wing

I pushed open the door to my own bedroom

I shut the door of the room and locked it.

The door was shut, but I could hear what he said.

She shut the door and walked up the stairs

Mrs Danvers went through the door to the west wing.

When he heard the door open, he turned round quickly.

That evening, as I was getting ready for dinner, there was a knock at my bedroom door

I hoped she would go, but she stood at the door.

I locked the door and took the dress from its box

There was a knock on the door.

'Unlock the door,' I said to Clarice

The door to the west wing was open

After Clarice had gone, someone knocked at the door

I did not answer and Beatrice walked slowly to the door and went out.

When I was ready, I opened the door and walked along the corridor

The door of the dining-room was open

I turned the handle of the door and went inside.

Then she went to the door and held it open for me.

'The cabin door was closed, so he broke a window and looked in

The door had opened

I went out of the room quickly and shut the door behind me

I shut the cabin door behind me, climbed into the dinghy and rowed back

Maxim went into the little room and closed the door

As I began to arrange the flowers, there was a knock at the door.

Then the door shut and, somehow, she was trapped there

Would you like to go in? There's an empty seat near the door.'

He opened the door for me and I went in quietly and sat down

I must try and get out of the door, I thought

'You have told us that the door and windows of the cabin were shut?'

Maxim came into the room and stood by the door

As Favell was speaking, the door opened and Maxim and Frank came in.

'The door is behind you.'

The door opened and Frank came in.

We all waited, watching the door

Then Mrs Danvers came in and shut the door behind her.

He shut the door behind him

He walked to the door.

We all walked slowly up the path to the front door

A woman opened the door.

We shook hands with Dr Baker and he walked with us to the front door.

'Goodbye.' And he shut the door.

Holding the gun in her right hand, she went quietly to the bedroom door.

Taking a deep breath, she unlocked the bedroom door and eased into the hall.

Now, anxious to complete her search for the burglar - who was beginning to look as imaginary as all the other burglars she had stalked on other nights - she opened the door to Danny's bedroom

Holding the pistol in front of her, she approached the closet, hesitated, then slid the door back

She quickly slid the door shut and put her back against it.

As she started toward the door, she caught sight of the easel, stopped, and turned

Shivering, she thoroughly erased the words on the chalkboard, retrieved her handgun, and left the room, pulling the door shut behind her.

She got out of the car and, carrying a purse the size of a small suitcase, marched up the walk toward the house, angling away from the front door and past the garage.

Vivienne let herself in through the kitchen door

Vivienne looked both ways, then moved to the right, toward the closed door at the end of the hall

By the time she reached the closed door, her skin was goose-pimpled, and her teeth were chattering.

The wisest thing she could do would be to turn back, walk away from the door and out of the house

The knob turned, but the door wouldn't open

She put her shoulder against it, pushed gently, then harder, and finally the door swung inward.

The warped door groaned and creaked as Vivienne Neddler forced it open.

She felt a presence, something that wanted her, and she cried out as the door came all the way open.

"I'll park the car in front of the restaurant door, and I'll leave the engine running just in case."

The closet door opened, closed, opened...

The closet door slammed open and shut with substantially more force than it had earlier.

When she opened the door, she gasped and halted.

Fuming, Tina went through the house, meticulously checking every window and door

She started around Angela's desk, wanting nothing more at the moment than to get off her rubbery legs and onto a chair - and suddenly the door to the hall opened, and she cried out in alarm.

They turned out the lights and left the room, closing the door after them.

If someone has, then we gotta spike his ass to a barn door

Then they would carry him out to the garage, prop him up in his little Mercedes, put the seat belt snugly around him, and start the engine without opening the garage door

The bell rang again, and she realized that someone was at the front door.

Through the fish-eye lens in the door, she saw a young, clean-cut man wearing a blue cap with an unidentifiable emblem on it

She didn't open the door

"Emergency crew," the repairman said through the closed door

She hesitated, but then opened the door without removing the heavy-duty security chain

These days, you're crazy if you open your door without knowing exactly who's on the other side of it."

She closed the door long enough to slip off the security chain

"If you want, I could just go in through the garage door."

She closed and locked the door.

By the time, Elliot reached the front door and rushed out of the house, Bob had run the length of the driveway and crossed the street

In half the countries in the world, there were secret police, modern gestapos, and citizens lived in fear of a late-night knock on the door

She found him waiting by the front door.

"I just wanted to let you know I was going, so you could lock the door behind me."

They both said "Have a nice day," and she locked the door after he left.

It rang three more times during the ten seconds that she took to reach the front door.

When she opened the door, he came in fast, almost in a crouch, glancing past her, left and right, toward the living room, then toward the dining area, speaking rapidly, urgently

He closed the door, locked it

"I mean, anyone snooping around? Anyone at the door?"

A door stood at the far end of this narrow, rectangular work area

"Don't open that door!" Elliot warned.

The front door

In the foyer, Elliot jerked open the front door, pushed her through ahead of him, and they both plunged into the golden late-afternoon sunshine.

The garage had gone up first, the big door ripping from its hinges and splintering into the driveway, the roof dissolving in a confetti-shower of shake shingles and flaming debris

Elliot pushed her away from the Mercedes so he could open the door on the passenger side

When she was in the car, he shut her door, ran to the driver's side, and climbed in behind the steering wheel.

He put the pistol on his lap, the muzzle facing toward his door, away from Tina

At the fifth house on the left, the garage door was open, and there wasn't a car inside.

He switched off the engine, scrambled out of the car, and ran to the big door

The door rumbled down, concealing them from anyone who might drive past.

The door that connected the garage to the house opened without warning, but with a sharp, dry squeak of unoiled hinges.

Elliot had the awful feeling that this guy would reach for the button Tina had pushed less than a minute ago, and that the garage door would lift just as the black van was rolling slowly by in the street.

Nice car! They pulled into this guy's garage, parked, closed the door bold as you please, and all he had to say was Nice car!

about the boat," Elliot said, not even knowing where he was going to go with that line, ready to say anything to keep Tom from putting up the garage door and throwing them out.

"I figure you've got the wrong place," Tom said, stepping out of the doorway, into the garage, reaching for the button that would raise the big door.

He said the garage door would be open and that we were to pull right inside."

Elliot glanced at the garage door, then at his watch

Tina stepped lightly past Tom Polumby and pressed the button that raised the garage door

She smiled at her bewildered host and went to the passenger side of the car while Elliot opened the driver's door.

Tina's mouth began to water as soon as she stepped through the door.

The door was closed

On the jukebox, which stood to the left of the door, a currently popular country ballad was playing:

She opened the door and went outside.

As Kennebeck turned away from the French frigate, beginning to wonder if he ought to get out from under the Network before it collapsed on him, George Alexander entered the study through the door that opened off the downstairs hallway

Now he went to the driver's door and climbed into the Chevy, where Tina was fiddling with the heater.

It was an immense, pseudo-Colonial house, perched prominently on top of a hill, on a three- or four-acre property, and conveniently next door to a large, nondenominational cemetery

Stone posts and softly glowing electric lamps marked the way to the front door, and warm light radiated from several first-floor windows.

"Storming right up to the front door, demanding answers from Bellicosti - that would be emotionally satisfying, brave, bold - and stupid."

I'm glad you see it my way." She opened her door and climbed out of the car.

"But they expected us through the front door." He took her by the arm

They embraced, and then she said, "If they knew we were flying to Reno, why didn't they follow us from the airport? Then they would have known we weren't going to walk in the front door of Bellicosti's place."

As Elliot was opening the driver's door, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and he looked up, already sure of what he would see

He got into the Chevy, slammed the door, and jammed the key into the ignition.

"No choice." He flung open the door and scrambled out of the car

He slammed the car door and ran to a row of evergreen shrubs that bordered the front lawn of a low, brick, ranch-style house

She had the door open

He leaped in and pulled the door shut

As Elliot started to open his door, Tina saw something that made her grab his arm

The only feature in the hundred-foot-long, one-story, windowless concrete facade was a wide steel door

The imposing door offered neither a keyhole nor a keypad

Apparently, the door could be opened only from within, after those, seeking entrance had been scrutinized by the camera that hung over the portal.

A steel-walled chamber lay beyond the door

The outer door slid shut behind them - whoosh - making an airtight seal.

Elliot and Tina did not put their hands on the plate, but the inner door of the vestibule opened with another puff of compressed air

The youngest of the guards heard the door opening, and he turned, shocked.

The gun struck him alongside the head, and he stumbled backward against the steel door.

Opposite the sliding door through which she and Elliot had entered, the security room was another door of more ordinary dimensions and construction

It opened onto a junction of two hallways, which Tina had discovered a few minutes ago, just after Elliot had shot the guard, when she had peeked through the door to see if reinforcements were on the way.

One passageway extended fifty feet to the left of the door and fifty feet to the right; on both sides were more doors, all shut, plus a bank of four elevators on the right

Five feet away, a door stood ajar, and animated conversation drifted out of the room beyond

The corridor terminated in an airtight steel door similar to those found on submarines; the burnished metal glowed softly, and light gleamed off the big round-headed rivets.

The door cycled open

To the right of the window was another airtight door like the one through which they'd just entered

Covering the strangers with the menacing, silencer-equipped pistol, Elliot said, "Tina, close the door behind us

She swung the steel door shut

In spite of its tremendous weight, it moved more smoothly and easily than an average door in an average house

As the three of them moved to the airtight steel door that led into the room beyond the window, Elliot said, "Why is he in an isolation chamber? Is he ill?"

"Not now," Dombey said, stopping at the door, turning to them, evidently disturbed by what he had to tell them

He turned away from them, spun the wheel on the steel door, and swung that barrier inward.

If there's an adjoining isolation chamber, you're supposed to go into it and lock the door after yourself

Bollinger was probably at the bottom gate two and a half hours after he walked out of the door here, three hours after he was infected

They're on the table closest to the outer door - that black box full of diskettes

When they took Danny out of the small room, they couldn't hear Zachariah's shouted invectives through the airtight steel door.

Tina opened the outer airtight door.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

I had just managed to pull on trousers and a shirt and grab a hat and coat, when a black Citroen stopped outside the door.

'I think that fly must have died long ago, Henri,' I said, getting up and walking to the door.

When the servant brought my supper, I poured myself a glass of wine, and locked the door after her

I held the champagne and glasses while he unlocked the door and switched on the lights

He then opened the door of a telephone booth he had bought, and which he had made into his transmitter

Having carefully closed the door, he took me to the other end of the room and gave me a pair of very dark sun glasses

He opened the door of the booth - and I was amazed to see that the bottle of champagne and the chair were not there.

Opening the door, he lifted the bottle of champagne off the chair.

He put the little animal on the floor of the booth and quickly closed the door

I sent the servant down with some food, but she brought it back with a note she had found outside the laboratory door: DO NOT DISTURB ME, I AM WORKING.

At dinner time that evening I had still not seen Andre, so I ran down to the laboratory and knocked at the door

A moment later he pushed a note under the door

I went back to the house and put Henri to bed, then I returned to the laboratory where I found another note pushed under the door

Knock three times on the door to show that you understand and then fetch me a bowl of milk with some brandy in it.

There was another note under the door.

Helene, when you knock, I'll open the door

I heard Andre moving behind the door, then it opened

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that he was standing behind the door

I stopped at the door, horrified

He knocked once for yes, then pointed to the door

I went out and sank down to the floor crying as he locked the door behind me

At last he came to the door and pushed a note under it.

Andre opened the laboratory door as soon as I knocked and I took in the food

Andre pointed to the other door, and I walked into the next room

He shut the door after me, and I heard him pouring out coffee as I read:

He opened the door.

But he knocked a 'no' on his desk and pointed to the door.

'I want to know exactly what happened,' I said as he closed the door after me

He typed an answer and pushed it under the door.

Several furious knocks shook the door, and I knew then that he would never accept this solution

I turned round as the booth door opened.

I must have fainted because I found myself on the floor of the laboratory, staring at the closed door

Then the noise stopped and a sheet of paper came under the door

Knock on the door when you are ready and I will explain what you have to do.

Getting up, I went to the door and tried to speak

Just think of the talk in the village.' She kissed me, and stepped through the open glass door into the garden.

She came through the glass door, pulled off her little yellow hat and said, 'Is Dennis about?'

There is a path from Old Hall, where she lives, to our garden gate, so most people coming from there come to the study window instead of going along the road to the front door.

'I saw her go round to the study window.' Miss Marple lives next door and sees everything, usually when she is gardening.

I opened the door and then stopped

Suddenly there was a knock on the glass door

The front door is always open, but I rang the bell and Mary answered it.

I went down the passage and opened the study door

There was the sound of feet in the passage outside, then the door opened.

'He sits down to write this, an enemy comes in through the glass door and shoots him.'

We had just sat down to breakfast when she appeared at the door

I opened the glass door and she stepped inside and sat down with us

Lettice Protheroe came in through the glass door

There was a loud knock on the dining room door

Haydock's house is next door to mine

When we got there, a manservant opened the door.

Your house is next door to the vicarage so perhaps you saw something that would help us.'

'In fact I was in my garden from five o'clock onwards yesterday and from there, well, I can see everything that is happening next door.'

Mrs Protheroe came to the door, and they both went inside.'

I opened the sitting room door and on the sofa beside Griselda, sat Gladys Cram, Dr Stone's secretary.

The door opened again

Then he went back to the vicarage and asked for the vicar at the front door

'At the front door, I was told that he was out, but that Colonel Protheroe was in the study waiting for him

The door opened and Dr Haydock came in with Anne Protheroe.

Mrs Protheroe came back through the glass door.

'Who lives in the other house next door?' the colonel suddenly asked.

We went up to the neat front door of Mrs Price Ridley's house and the inspector rang the bell

A pretty servant answered the door.

Second way, by the front door

Whoever shot the colonel came through the front door

'Your door is open

'Miss Marple wants to see you,' said Griselda, appearing at the door

'You keep the door locked now,' I said.

Someone knew about that pistol of mine.' He opened the door and I went inside

And when I found Lettice alone downstairs in the sitting room, I went in and shut the door.

I had gone to the front door with him, and on the hall table, I saw four notes

The Inspector answered by opening the door for her, and Miss Cram walked out.

But I have heard that she has said she was at home all the time and that she didn't answer the door because - well, she didn't want to see me!'

They left at just after nine o'clock, and at half-past nine exactly, there was a little knock on my study window, and I opened the glass door for Miss Marple to come in.

I took it out, but as I did so, the bell rang again, so I put the letter in my pocket and opened the front door.

There was the sound of feet, then a key turned in the lock, and a woman opened the door.

It felt as though years had passed when I heard the door open and Melchett entered the room

The door opened and Miss Marple walked in

I heard it give a peculiar cry, and then another of these creatures appeared in the deep shadow of the door.

I let myself into my house and locked the door, walked to the bottom of the stairs and sat down, shaking violently.

I closed the door noiselessly and moved nearer the window

I went down, opened the door and let him in

'They are coming!' a policeman shouted back, banging on the door

'The Martians are coming!' Then he hurried to the next door.

For a long time my brother stared out of the window in total surprise, watching the policeman banging at door after door

'Black Smoke!' As he stood at the door, not knowing what to do, he saw another newspaper-seller approaching him

His neighbour came to the door

There were signs of people in the next house on Sunday evening - a face at a window and moving lights, and later the closing of a door

The fifth cylinder had not fallen on our house, but on top of the house next door

In three steps he was at the door leading to the kitchen.

I turned, tripped over the curate and stopped at the hall door

I could not stop myself - I moved to the door and looked back into the kitchen

I shut the door and moved back into the hall and tried to hide myself in the corner

It had found the door

It moved the handle up and down for a moment, and then the door opened.

For a time it did not move, then it moved back through the door.

I broke into the house - and afterwards found that the front door was unlocked

We went together to the roof and stood on a ladder, looking out of the roof door

A man standing at the open door of a house greeted me by name as I passed

The door had been broken, and it was opening slowly as I approached.

Had I spoken my thought aloud? I turned, and the door to the garden was open behind me

In that case, the cylinder could be destroyed before it was cool enough for the Martians to come out, or they could be killed by guns as soon as the door opened

'Then I went to the door and knocked

A tall woman answered the door

'"If we need any help, we'll call you," she said and shut the door in my face.

As I stood there, imagine my surprise, Mr Holmes, when the door suddenly opened and my wife walked out!

Mr Munro said he was sure and we went to the door of the cottage

As we approached the door, a woman suddenly appeared

On Saturdays, they wake him up at two o'clock, and put him outside the door.)

Please use the side door.'

And they start singing again along the path as she opens the front gate and walks to the door.

'Hei Mercy.' And the door opened to show the face of Connie, her big sister, six years older, and now heavy with her second child

When Mensar-Arthur saw Mercy, he reached across and opened the door to the passenger seat

She sat down and the door closed with a smooth little sound as the car slid away.

Laura walked towards the door, and I followed her.

Laura told me what had happened through the door

I went to Laura's room and found the door unlocked

'The Count persuaded Percival to unlock your door.'

Just then there was a knock at the door

I realised that she was listening at the door a moment ago.

Firemen broke down the door and went in

Somehow they had caught fire, and Sir Percival could not get to the door.

As I walked up to the Count's door, I noticed the blond man with the scar on his face from the opera

The Count went quickly and quietly to the door and locked it

Then they had to get off and get on the bus again at the back door.

Good night everyone." He opens the tavern door and goes out into the rain.

the door of tavern opens

Someone knocks at the door

Suddenly there is a knock at the door

Zorro opens the door and kicks him out.

They look at the door of the tavern and see Zorro

You can put your swords and pistols near the door," says Don Alejandro

At midnight a masked man appears at the door.