How to use "cars" in a sentence


Why? Because of the money, the house, the cars

And on the television screens there are giant faces, clips from movies, news headlines, commercials for cars and perfume, chocolate and beer.

All with tidy and ordinary gardens and ordinary cars

Their clothes are better than ours, their cars and trucks are better

Content with his job, his life, his expensive house and his two expensive cars.

I heard the sound of cars starting in the drive

'I can give you twenty dollars to park the cars at my party tonight, Nathan,' he says

'I'm helping to park the cars.'

This boy in the station wagon was not the first that she had imagined was Danny; in recent weeks, she had seen her lost son in other cars, in schoolyards past which she had been driving, on public streets, in a movie theater.

The car was immaculate, in better shape than most new cars these days

Standing before her in the sunshine, his white shirt shimmering with squiggles of reflected light that bounced off the parked cars, he favored her with that self-satisfied, superior smile that made her feel as cold as this winter day ought to have been.

You always spent your money on fast cars, good clothes

Hundreds of cars progressed sluggishly through the busy street, taxicabs darting in and out, recklessly seeking any small advantage

No James Bond cars with machine guns hidden behind the headlights

They went outside and strolled down the street, past the partygoers' cars, which ran the gamut from Rolls-Royces to Range Rovers.

He slammed the trunk lid and surveyed the snow-dusted cars in the parking lot

He could see a time when there would be no aeroplanes, ships, trains or cars and, therefore, no roads or railway lines, ports, airports or stations