How to use "catch" in a sentence


I am too tired to catch it

She can catch a mouse in the morning for her breakfast and a little bird in the evening for her dinner - Oh! I'm sorry!'

But the Mad Hatter ran very fast and they could not catch him.

'They never taught me to catch a ball at high school,' I said

But he started to teach me to catch.

'Forrest,' he said, 'all year we have secretly taught you to catch the ball and run with it

Everybody was surprised to see that I could catch the ball

But that meant Gwinn was free to catch the ball, and he put us on the 15-yard line

Bubba and I decided that we would get a shrimp boat when we got home again, and catch shrimps, and make a lot of money

He showed me how to catch shrimps with the net, and it was so easy that an idiot was able to do it!

The people ran after me - all two thousand of them! - but they couldn't catch me

I had another hour before I had to catch the bus again, so I went across and watched him

'I have to catch a bus.'

'You're a rogue, Slinkton, and I've caught you! I took these rooms on purpose, just to catch you

I pretended to be a drunkard in order to catch you and I've done it

This time, however, he did not catch it and it rolled along the ground towards Valjean, who immediately put his foot on it.

We tried to catch him, but he disappeared

If I hurry, I might be able to catch him

Sala felt fear catch hold of her

'I think we could still catch it

"You'll probably need professional help to catch him in one of his tricks."

"Then what did you mean when you said I'd probably need professional help to catch this creep?"

Maybe I'd hire private detectives, and they wouldn't catch anyone but me."

"He can't catch up with us," Elliot said

With more than a million full-time residents, with more than twenty million tourists a year, and with a vast desert on which to sprawl, Vegas offered thousands of dark, quiet corners where two people on the run could safely stop to catch their breath and settle upon a course of action.

All we're doing is just playing catch-up

Elliot strained his eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of movement beyond the rectangles of glass, but he saw nothing suspicious.

When they arrive in America, they'll get the pips and then the police will catch them!'

He saw this one go after a man, catch him in one of its steel arms and knock his head against a tree

He said he would catch up with them by about half-past four in the morning, but it was now nearly nine and there was no sign of him.

The younger woman suggested that they should move on and catch a train at St Albans

'It seems to me that at the moment they catch us when they want food

As soon as they've destroyed all our guns and ships and railways, they'll begin to catch us one by one, picking the best and keeping us in cages and things

They just used to rush off to work - I've seen hundreds of them, with a bit of breakfast in their hand, running to catch their train, frightened they'd be sacked if they didn't

However, they never catch any fish

You can see many fish swim past, but you can't catch them.

You cannot catch them, however.