How to use "exercise" in a sentence


While the strict legal right may exist in the government to enforce the exercise of these offices, the attempt to do so would be so irritating, and so nearly impracticable withal, that I deem it better to forego for the time the uses of such offices.

Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their CONSTITUTIONAL right of amending it, or their REVOLUTIONARY right to dismember or overthrow it.

You never earned many, but it was better than nothing - and a good way to exercise, and get out of your apartment.

When Danny was six months old, Tina went into training to get back in shape, and after three arduous months of exercise, she won a place in the chorus line of a new Vegas spectacle

It's good exercise, and it gets you out of this hole in the ground for a while

Anyway, Bollinger wasn't interested in exercise

Sherlock Holmes did not like aimless physical exercise, but one spring day I persuaded him to go for a walk with me in the park