How to use "servant" in a sentence


I ask further, is it unconstitutional for me to say to the British Government "I refuse to serve you"? Is it unconstitutional for our worthy Chairman to return with every respect all the titles that he has ever held from the Government? Is it unconstitutional for any parent to withdraw his children from a Government or aided school? Is it unconstitutional for a lawyer to say "I shall no longer support the arm of the law so long as that arm of law is used not to raise me but to debase me"? Is it unconstitutional for a civil servant or for a judge to say, "I refuse to serve a Government which does not wish to respect the wishes of the whole people"?

That man standing at the door is Mr Sampson's servant

He lived a simple life with his sister, Mademoiselle Baptistine, and his old servant, Madame Magloire, and he was much loved by the people in the town

Mme Magloire, an obedient servant, left the room without protest.

She tried to find work as a servant, but no one would employ her

While he was gazing into the fire, thinking these sad thoughts, his old servant entered the room and asked, 'Will Monsieur receive M

Gillenormand's face, and the servant began to worry that his master was ill

They had left quickly, at nightfall, bringing their servant, Toussaint, with them, but very little luggage

Gillenormand's house, a servant answered the door.

While one servant ran to find a doctor and another looked for clean sheets, Valjean felt Javert's hand on his arm

'He has just been brought here,' said a servant

When Valjean did not appear for the second evening, Cosette sent a servant to his house to ask if he was well

One evening a servant brought Marius a letter, saying, 'The writer is waiting in the hall.'

He had tried without success to find the man who had saved his father's lite at Waterloo, and now the man had come to him! He immediately asked the servant to show the man in.

I was not exactly a servant and certainly not a friend.

Tea was brought to us by Frith and a younger servant

A servant stared at me in surprise

A servant brought rugs and chairs and we all sat under the great tree on the lawn

The young servant, Robert, ran out of the hall, carrying a raincoat

More like a servant than the mistress of Manderley

When the servant brought my supper, I poured myself a glass of wine, and locked the door after her

We had a special dinner to celebrate and at the end of the meal, when the servant brought in the bottle of champagne, Andre took it from her.

I sent the servant down with some food, but she brought it back with a note she had found outside the laboratory door: DO NOT DISTURB ME, I AM WORKING.

But Mary, who is a servant at the vicarage, just put a dish of unpleasant-looking cabbage on the table and left the room.

'And the servant?'

'And the servant was the only person at home.'

The servant hurried away and returned to say that she would see us soon.

It was a lady the servant had not seen before and she had asked for Colonel Protheroe, not Mrs Protheroe.

'Are you Colonel Protheroe's personal servant?' I asked.

And all the time he was keeping a second family - a former servant, and five children! What a terrible shock to his wife and daughter.'

A pretty servant answered the door.

Our servant, Mary, was next

He had, following Miss Marple's advice, gone up to Old Hall and talked to the servant, Rose.

'Gladdie's a kitchen servant.'

'Well,' I said, 'we'll get another servant.'

In St Mary Mead, a person who knows the truth is always someone else's servant

'My servant, Clara, was standing at the front gate, when she heard a sneeze.'

'Well, our servant, Mary, has a bad cold

Your servant should water this plant every day

So perhaps the sneeze that Mrs Price Ridley's servant heard might have been the shot? But anyway, Mrs Protheroe and Mr Redding went into the studio together - and then realized, of course, that I would not leave my garden until I saw them come out again!'

Then I went back and fetched the servant.

I drove the cart down the road and, leaving it with my wife and servant, rushed into the house and packed a few valuables

I helped my servant into the back of the cart, then jumped up into the driver's seat beside my wife

'I left her in America with a trusted servant,' Mrs Munro continued, 'because she was not very healthy, but I never considered abandoning her

I sent the servant a hundred pounds, and told her to come to this cottage

A servant gave me dinner and showed me to my room

He told us that Mrs Catherick, Anne's mother, had been a servant in his family for many years before leaving to get married

Miss Halcombe wrote a brief letter, Sir Percival wrote the address on the envelope, and a servant posted it.

'Gilmore was your servant, I'm your husband

The servant showed me into the drawing-room where the Count was packing his bags

A servant opens it and Zorro appears!

A servant opens it and Captain Ramon enters