How to use "chopper" in a sentence


Get hold of Jack Morgan and tell him to get the chopper ready

"We're going up there in the chopper

"But trying to take the chopper in there at night..

Five minutes west of Reno, the chopper encountered snow

He was trying hard not to think about the chopper, the bad weather, and the likelihood that they would take a long, swift, hard fall into a remote mountain ravine.

A wall of frigid air fell on the chopper and drove it down

In the chopper's brilliant floodlights, there was little to see but driving snow

The chopper hugged the valley floor, streaking northward, ten feet above an ice-blocked river, still forced to make its way through a snowfall that nearly blinded them, but sheltered from the worst of the storm's turbulence by the walls of mammoth evergreens that flanked the river

Occasionally wind found the aircraft and pummeled it, but the chopper bobbed and weaved like a good boxer, and it no longer seemed in danger of being dealt a knockout punch.

Alexander peered anxiously through the sheeting snow into which the chopper moved like a blind man running full-steam into endless darkness

She squinted up into the snow-shipped night and saw the chopper coming over the rise at the west end of the plateau

The chopper swooped toward them.

Danny stared at the oncoming chopper, and lines appeared in his forehead again.

Leaning forward to view the Explorer through the bubble window of the chopper, George Alexander said, "Put us down right in front of them, Jack."

Abruptly the chopper soared