How to use "city" in a sentence


"It looks like a city from thousands of years ago."

It's the lost city of Atlantis!"

And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war - seeking to dissolve the Union, and divide effects, by negotiation.

But, as the church bells of the city struck eleven o'clock, something made him look back

Walking more slowly now, thinking he was safe from his pursuers, Valjean followed the alley until he came to a lane that seemed to lead away from the city

While walking around his part of the city, Marius had noticed in elderly man and a young girl in the Luxembourg Gardens

Minutes later, the sounds of war echoed across the whole city of Paris.

The barricades were finished in less than an hour and, with the sound of drums in the city growing louder, Enjolras brought a table out into the street and sat down with his friends for a drink.

Marius left the garden and, mad with grief at losing Cosette, walked towards the sound of drums and gunfire in the centre of the city

As he was eating, Toussaint told him about the fighting in the city, but he did not pay much attention

He sat for a long time listening to the sound of distant gunfire in the city, wondering how to get his revenge, when suddenly he heard footsteps

He did not know what part of the city he was passing under or how far he had come

No, you either get out of the city for life, or Big Jones finds you

And then I get his money, and you and I can get the hell out of this city and out of this country."

You try to see the clock in the dark, but it is impossible, and you think that it must be somewhere between four and six o'clock: the darkest hours of the night when even the lively and vibrant city of Manchester sleeps.

The backstreets of Dublin are quiet, and the sun is slowly setting on the old city

In the distance he can hear the siren of a gardai car in the city centre, but he is sure it is not for him

But tell me, why did you stay in the city? Why not run for the countryside? Or hop on a ferry out of here?"

I need to wait for a few days until they think I'm miles from the city

In the distance the church towers, cathedral and university buildings of the city of Oxford are all visible

In some pub in the city."

We can also check one or two of the local pubs on the way back to the city."

Let's get back to the city." And he throws the tie on the floor.

An Englishman from the great city of London

He decided to come to the biggest, richest, most important gambling city in the world, and he decided to cheat.

Vegas, wow! What a city! The lights, the music, the atmosphere.

A real casino, one of the best in the city

It is night time, and around the roof of the thirty-floor casino and hotel, the city of Las Vegas is alive with colour

But this city is cruel, Jimmy

Sala and Cham live in an enormous overcrowded city that they are forbidden to leave, for their own protection: the world outside the city was contaminated during the wars.

Because the Oil Wars left the city short of energy, everyone has a small chip buried under the skin on their wrists, which measures how many units of energy they use

The government uses most of the city's energy to build virtual simulations, so that people can experience beautiful places without actually going anywhere

The city is at peace.

A simulator cost five units per hour, which was a lot - but it was worth it for the escape it offered from the city.

Then they changed to a sunny park, like the ones that their city used to have, and sat down to talk.

To get home quickly, they stepped onto one of the fast-moving walkways that stretched in all directions across the city.

Most of them had at least forty floors above ground - these were called "sky apartments." Below ground, there were often another ten floors, for "earth apartments." The government had started building under the ground long ago, because the land inside the city was so limited.

"Gran! Are you OK?" Sala put an arm around her, and made her sit down on the little bench that looked over the city.

wild roses don't grow in the city."

Sala had never seen anything from beyond the city

Everything they ate everything they used - it was all grown or made within the city's limits

What's more, there was a force field at the city boundary that was impossible to cross: there were alarms there that sensed your wrist chip before you even got close, and then government agents appeared in seconds to arrest you

"After the Oil Wars, I looked for him all over the city, but I couldn't find him anywhere

"Gran, you never know! Maybe there are places outside the city that didn't get contaminated - where people survived."

But afterward, you were still in the city in a tiny room, surrounded by thousands of other people doing exactly the same thing

there's nowhere in the city for wild roses to grow

"Well, I suppose I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, there is still life in the outside world - and maybe someone from that world has found a way across the city boundary."

"The city, of course!"

He truly didn't believe the fruit came from another world beyond the city boundary - and she couldn't really blame him

He looked out over the city and seemed to be thinking deeply

There's more to the world than this city, believe me

We know you can't leave your city, but now I hear that maybe messages can reach you, if you are still alive

Here, we are free, and we have beauty all around us, but my heart breaks when I think of you trapped in that city, like a bird in a cage.

If the government finds out that messages are getting through the force field and passing across the city boundary, there could be big trouble."

The journey across the city seemed to take forever; but when she arrived, Cham was waiting, hands in pockets

Instead, she spent hours sitting on her bench in the Real Space, looking out over the city with a distant expression

When she came toward the biggest walkway of all - the one that stretched right across the city - Sala's heart started beating faster

"So, was that note really from Gran's brother? Are people alive out there - outside the city? How did you get the note across the force field?" She had so many questions.

And the fruit - well, maybe they found it somewhere in the city

This world, the city with its wrist chips and simulators, was the only one they knew, but Gran often talked about life before the Oil Wars - how they used to walk freely in the forests, grow flowers and fruit, sing songs around fires on the beach, and travel to wonderful places

"You should know better than anyone that jobs in this city don't last

The Pyramid, with almost three thousand rooms, was booked to capacity, as was every hotel in the city

Now the early winter dusk settled over the city

At night, the view of Las Vegas from the mountainside was undeniably spectacular, but Elliot couldn't understand what other reasons anyone could possibly have for choosing to live here rather than in the city's older, greener neighborhoods

Kevin's parents went away from the city immediately after the funeral, intending to spend a month at their summerhouse in the country, where they could be free from the press of business and social duties, the better to mourn their lost child

The vision was so vivid, so disturbing, that she and her husband raced back to the city that very night to have the grave reopened at dawn

No matter who was searching for them, no matter how large the organization pitted against them, this city was too big to harbor danger for them in every nook and crevice

But once those seeds are sown, once the parents of the other scouts and the entire city are clamoring for an investigation, Kennebeck's buddies won't have anything to gain by eliminating us

Elliot swung the car around and started back toward the lights of the city, which spread like a vast, glowing fungus on the black desert plain.

This city still remembers the Jaborski group, the Sierra accident

But if we go to the press in Los Angeles or New York or some other city, the reporters there aren't going to have a whole lot of interest in it unless they see an aspect of the story that lifts it out of the local-interest category

A brisk wind pushed across the city from the east

Besides, there are more hotels and motels in Vegas than in any other city in the world."

The night clerk at the rental agency, from whom they had signed out the car, had known exactly where Bellicosti's place was, and he had marked the shortest route on the free city map provided with the Chevy.

They call the stuff 'Wuhan-400' because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside of the city of Wuhan, and it was the four-hundredth viable strain of man-made microorganisms created at that research center.

"If I understand you, the Chinese could use Wuhan-400 to wipe out a city or a country, and then there wouldn't be any need for them to conduct a tricky and expensive decontamination before they moved in and took over the conquered territory."

"It's a beautiful city," she thinks

"And it's my city."

All of the six million people who lived in the great city were beginning to move

You can understand the wave of fear that swept through the greatest city in the world at dawn on Monday morning

I stayed there for a long time, looking north over the city

At any time the destruction that had already happened to the north-western borders of the city, that had destroyed Ealing, might strike among these houses and leave them smoking ruins

It was an empty city waiting for death...

Why was I walking alone in this city of the dead? I thought of old friends that I had forgotten for years

London around me looked like a city of ghosts

All around the pit, and saved from everlasting destruction, lay the great city

And as I looked at it, and realized that the shadows had been rolled back, and that people might still live in its streets, and that this dear city of mine might be once more alive and powerful again, I felt such emotion that I was very close to tears.

The city we went through was dirty with the powder of the Black Smoke, despite two days of thunderstorms and rain.

I go to London and see the busy crowds in Fleet Street and the Strand, and it comes to my mind that they are just the ghosts of the past, walking the streets that I have seen silent and empty, spirits in a dead city

Rosa Parks worked at a shop in the city of Montgomery, Alabama

Shirin was born in the city of Hamadan, Iran, in 1947

In 1975, she became the first president of the Tehran city court.

Shirin lost her job as the president of the city court, and she had to work as a secretary.

In 2015, women there voted for the first time in town and city elections.