How to use "cared" in a sentence


At the end of the year, however, Thenardier was not happy with just seven francs a month; he demanded twelve and Fantine paid without protest, happy that her daughter was being well cared for.

At last she would be cared for, and she could look forward to a life of happiness with Cosette

If we had driven round-in circles, I would not have cared

'He's never cared about mine

But even then, she cared for nothing and nobody

Now she couldn't imagine how or why she had ever cared.

Good, healthy lovemaking with a man who cared for her would have helped her recover much faster than she had done, for sex was the antithesis of death, a joyous celebration of life, a denial of the tomb's existence.

Tina stayed the night with Elliot, and he realized that he had forgotten how pleasant it could be to share his bed with someone for whom he truly cared