How to use "coffee" in a sentence


Sue and I got off the bus at Savannah, then I went and got a cup of coffee and sat outside the bus station

So after I finished my cup of coffee, I took out my harmonica and began to play

I played two songs - and a man walked past and threw some money into my empty coffee cup! I played two more songs, and soon the cup was half full of money!

'I'll take my coffee in the lounge,' Mrs Van Hopper told the waiter, 'straight away.'

'Mr de Winter is having coffee with us

'Have some coffee.'

I sat with my hands in my lap, watching him drink his coffee.

I poured myself another cup of coffee

Someone else had poured coffee and stroked the dog

As I took an egg and some coffee, I wondered what happened to the food that was left

The following day, after lunch, Frith brought our coffee to the library as usual

At last Frith served coffee and the servants left us.

'Do you think Colonel Julyan knows the truth about Rebecca's death?' I asked Maxim as we were drinking our coffee.

'Have you finished your coffee?' Maxim said to me suddenly

She was proud, unable to bear the thought of appearing to be hysterical to a couple of macho cops who would grin at her and, later over doughnuts and coffee, make jokes about her

Michael and Tina had helped him move his belongings to the den, then had shifted the couch, armchair, coffee table, and television from the den into the quarters the boy had previously occupied.

Many were still in the communal dressing rooms, while other girls, already costumed, waited in the halls or at the edge of the big stage, talking about children and husbands and boyfriends and recipes, as if they were secretaries on a coffee break and not some of the most beautiful women in the world.

The nearby windows and the thick glass top of the coffee table were vibrating

I had a meeting with Charlie Mainway over coffee, downstairs in the restaurant

And if he were lying, he wouldn't have told her the story about Charlie and coffee, for that could be substantiated or disproved with only a minimum of effort; he would have come up with a better alibi if he really needed one

When he and Tina finished dessert, Elliot poured second cups of coffee

Fluorescent tubes shed cold light over banks of computers and over worktables laden with journals, charts, file folders, scientific instruments, and two coffee mugs.

Alexander took a Valium out of a tin that he carried in his jacket pocket, and he washed it down with a swallow of hot coffee, which he poured from the silver pot on his desk

I woke suddenly at 7 a.m., ran down to the kitchen, and prepared coffee, bread and butter.

He shut the door after me, and I heard him pouring out coffee as I read:

After we had had coffee, Anne said, 'I want to have a little talk with the vicar.'

Sometimes, she went with other children and adults to pick coffee on big farms near the Pacific sea