How to use "drinking" in a sentence


There are several at my feet and some drinking the blood on the canyon wall

Soon, I will have to start drinking urine.

I've changed my drinking routine because the night is colder

At least drinking it wasn't as bad as I expected.

Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred

'You thought I was drinking brandy all day - but I threw most of it away

But Mary Ann needed alcohol too, and she was drinking too much

She found Gran sitting with Mom, talking and drinking tea; for once, Mom had got home from work early.

She got up and found Gran in the kitchen, drinking fruit tea.

I leant back in my chair, drinking my tea and trying to feel at home

As I sat drinking my tea, Robert came back into the room.

I wondered if he had been drinking.

'Do you think Colonel Julyan knows the truth about Rebecca's death?' I asked Maxim as we were drinking our coffee.

Last night, after drinking the bourbon, had she come back here in some kind of fugue and...?

She was drinking too much

Meanwhile, he's drinking too much

He's been drinking pretty regularly, but he's so deep in a trance that he can completely ignore the call of nature until - bingo! - He has a bladder spasm

I heard Andre moving in the next room, and then a strange sucking noise, as though he had trouble drinking his milk.

I followed him quickly and quietly and in the darkness I heard him drinking

'Well, sir, I don't think you look very healthy, after drinking all that river water

They are eating and drinking