How to use "colder" in a sentence


It seems colder than the night before

But as time passes, it seems to grow colder

I've changed my drinking routine because the night is colder

The urine tastes better at night because it's colder, but it's still going to be a long, hard night

The sun is almost down behind the green, snowy mountains now, and it is colder than before

It is colder here, but you do not feel it

At first Vivienne thought that, she was imagining the change in temperature, but the closer she drew to the end of the corridor, the colder it got

The air grew even colder.

The room was growing colder by the second.

Indeed the feeling of invisible and dangerous companionship was growing stronger as the room grew colder.

How could he make the room colder without using the air conditioner? Whoever he was, he could override her computer from another terminal in the building; she could accept that

The air grew colder still

Colder, colder.

The air inside the car was bitterly cold and growing colder by the second.

Her right hand, in which she held the pen, grew rapidly colder than any other part of her

The air was colder.

Mars is getting colder, as one day our planet must too