How to use "copy" in a sentence


But it was still wonderful to see this copy of him.

'Perhaps you could copy one of the pictures in the gallery,' Mrs Danvers suggested

It would be easy to copy.'

So one lot of silver must be a copy

At the end of Waterloo Bridge I bought a copy of the first newspaper to reappear

I made a copy of the letter and sent it to Sir Percival's lawyer, asking for an explanation

Sir Percival then turned to Miss Halcombe and said, 'My lawyer sent me the copy of that letter

Is there a copy of the records of 1803?'

I went to the house of the old parish clerk's son and asked if I could see his father's copy of the register for 1803

The copy had no record of Percival's father's marriage! I realised that the record in the original register must be a forgery, added in years afterwards