How to use "inspector" in a sentence


The inspector saw a piece of muslin and two small combs that the murderer had put near her feet

Madeleine,' the inspector replied.

I want you to continue your excellent work as inspector of police.'

He offered Javert his hand, but the inspector refused to take it

Fantine, thinking that the inspector had come for her, gripped M

How could I have thought such a thing? After speaking to him this evening, I can see that he doesn't look like the inspector at all.'

When he told Javert his address, he noticed the inspector's eyes light up with great interest

'Take these with you,' the inspector went on, producing two small guns

The chief inspector told us to come, but he didn't say why."

"Your chief inspector said you could help

"Who does he think he is? Just because he plays golf with the chief inspector

'And that police inspector

We went up to the neat front door of Mrs Price Ridley's house and the inspector rang the bell

'There is a police inspector here, and he says he must see you.' Mrs Lestrange said calmly, 'Show him in, Hilda.'

The inspector had told me she wasn't sure of the time when he questioned her, but she was sure now.

The inspector tore it open.

'So that was their plan,' the inspector replied

'I must investigate this,' said the inspector