How to use "cottage" in a sentence


Mrs Emma Green lived in the cottage next to the stableyard; she did not hear anything either

And then he follows me to my cottage."

"You think that this man enters your premises? That he enters your cottage during the night?"

At the edge of the woods was a low stone building, a cottage or a boat-house

I walked up the shore to the cottage

I cut a piece of string for Jasper and went out of the cottage

'I found it in the cottage

He went up past the cottage and on to a path through the woods

I never go near the place or that damned cottage

Sometimes I thought about the cottage down in the bay

'I went into that cottage in the bay a few days ago,' I said

'Did Rebecca use the cottage a lot?'

She slept in the cottage sometimes

I walked slowly across the beach to the cottage

The sun was shining today and the cottage did not look frightening any more

But don't go into the cottage again.'

I did not look at the cottage

I shot Rebecca in the cottage

She was always going to his house and asking him to her cottage.

'Favell often stayed with Rebecca down at the cottage

She went to the cottage

'I saw a light in the cottage and went in

I'll wait for you in the cottage

He went down to the cottage and killed her there

'There's an idiot who was always around the cottage,' Favell said

'You've seen me in the cottage, haven't you?'

'You saw Mrs de Winter go into the cottage and Mr de Winter too

'And I saw Dr Haydock coming out of Mrs Lestrange's cottage.'

'On a shelf in my cottage.'

'Who has been to your cottage lately?'

'Do you lock the cottage up when you go out?'

'Who cleans your cottage?'

'I think I saw it on a shelf in his cottage.'

'When was the last time you were at the cottage, Mrs Protheroe?'

'Well, we tracked it - and do you know where it came from? Mr Lawrence Redding's cottage!'

So, someone walked into the empty cottage and used the telephone

'So why was the first call not made from his cottage?' I asked.

And from his cottage he would go through the North Gate

The last person to give evidence was Mrs Archer, who cleaned Lawrence Redding's cottage

'Would you like to come to my cottage?'

Your wife has been seen coming out of Mr Redding's cottage in a secretive manner

It said that Griselda had been seen leaving Lawrence Redding's cottage at twenty past six on the day of the murder

'The one from Mr Redding's cottage to Mrs Price Ridley?'

There is an inn and two houses near our house, and a single cottage across the field in front of our house

'Anyway, I told you that there is a cottage near our house

Well, I like walking past that cottage, and last Monday, as I walked past the cott age I saw an empty van going away from the cottage, and furniture in front of the cottage

'I was looking at the cottage, when suddenly I saw a face watching me from an upper window

'That night I did not tell my wife about the strange face and the rude woman, but I did tell her that people were now living in the cottage.

Walking home I went past the cottage

I am going to enter the cottage and discover the truth!"

If you force your way into that cottage, our marriage is finished."

I discovered that my wife had been to the cottage again, so I went to the cottage

'Now, go back to Norbury, and when you see that those people have returned to the cottage, call us

'Yes,' Holmes replied, 'I think her first husband is in the cottage

When her husband tells her that someone is living in the cottage, she knows that they are her blackmailers

In the middle of the night, while her husband is sleeping, she decides to go to the cottage

Mr Munro was waiting for us at the station, and he took us to the cottage

When we arrived there, Holmes asked Mr Munro if he was sure he wanted to enter the cottage

Mr Munro said he was sure and we went to the door of the cottage

I sent the servant a hundred pounds, and told her to come to this cottage

'You told me about her arrival in the cottage, and that night I had to see her, and that was the beginning of my troubles

We all left the cottage together, and then Holmes and I returned to London.