How to use "couldn" in a sentence


While I was taking them, I couldn't do anything well

I couldn't sleep and my thoughts were unclear

I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep and I was still in pain

It couldn't turn back.

Just then, we felt we couldn't swim any longer

It was Ned Land's voice, but we couldn't see him

We couldn't escape because they would kill us.

We hid behind some rocks so he couldn't see us

The Captain was safe and I was so surprised that I couldn't move.

She looked down, but she couldn't see any light.

She looked round for the White Rabbit, but she couldn't see him anywhere.

There were four doors in the room, but Alice couldn't open them

Also, she couldn't see the hole anywhere

But Alice was too short and she couldn't get the key

But she was too big and couldn't go through it.

But she couldn't stop the big tears and after a time there was water everywhere.

She tried to put her feet on the ground but she couldn't

She wanted to help him, but she couldn't see the hat anywhere

But then she tried to move and couldn't

But he couldn't because Alice's back was next to it.

She looked all round her, but she couldn't see anything with 'EAT ME' or 'DRINK ME' on it

They were on the ground and she couldn't see their faces

The Kings men looked for the gardeners but couldn't find them

The King looked for the Cat for some time, but he couldn't find it anywhere.

Some couldn't eat or go to the toilet without help

And Curtis was always angry, and I couldn't understand him

He broke his foot in football practice and couldn't play in the game

I couldn't stay at the university

Suddenly, somebody started shooting at them! We couldn't see the enemy soldiers because the jungle was too thick, but somebody was shooting at our men.

He immediately started talking fast in a language that I couldn't understand, but he took me somewhere - past all the boats and the beach

The people ran after me - all two thousand of them! - but they couldn't catch me

I couldn't stay with him

He couldn't wait

"Yes." Sala loved painting, but the paints were expensive, so it was something she couldn't do very often.

She couldn't believe it

"After the Oil Wars, I looked for him all over the city, but I couldn't find him anywhere

This one was very exciting, but Sala couldn't concentrate

Some of them were really beautiful, but you couldn't really explore them because you were still in a little room with a time limit

She couldn't judge him for considering Pod Life

It was so quiet and calm: a world the storm couldn't reach

He truly didn't believe the fruit came from another world beyond the city boundary - and she couldn't really blame him

"My dad couldn't do it, though

You were excited and you couldn't concentrate on anything else, but you were also a tiny bit afraid

She couldn't believe it - she was face to face with a beautiful gray dolphin

She wanted to fight, or run, but she couldn't lift her legs.

At last, she knew she couldn't put off her decision any longer, and when she'd finished her studies on the day after the pod experience, she invited Cham to her apartment.

"Are you two crazy?" Niki couldn't believe it

Sala couldn't wait

What more could she say? Cham's number one consideration right now was his family, and she couldn't stand in the way of that; but she wished that he would at least think about other possibilities.

Sala couldn't believe how much her life was suddenly changing, but she didn't try to discuss it with Cham

She was over an hour late for meeting him at the simulator center, and because her ultranet connection didn't come back on until she was almost there, she couldn't even call him or send him a message

She was dying to tell the others, but knew that she couldn't.

"I couldn't possibly leave you all behind."

Sometimes she took Apat with her, though he was less enthusiastic now that Cham couldn't go with them

"So soon?" Sala couldn't hide her disappointment.

Sala couldn't believe it

She couldn't tell them about Gran's letter, or the meetings with Wena

Sala played with the plate of food in front of her; she couldn't eat a thing.

Sala couldn't imagine anything worse in the whole world than someone trying to harm Gran, Mom, or Apat.

They went to bed at last, but Sala couldn't sleep

"You couldn't sleep either?" Gran asked.

'I couldn't...'

She couldn't allow herself to hope.

She was miserable because she couldn't think of a way to reach him

She certainly couldn't share with him her appraisal of the situation: Danny, sweetheart, don't worry about anything you might have heard through the wall

But she couldn't imagine what had knocked the easel over

It couldn't have fallen by itself.

When she couldn't banish that image, she attempted to alter it, mentally wiping the words away

She couldn't go in there again

Although Vivienne could see where the noise originated, she couldn't locate any source for the bitterly cold air

Indeed, she couldn't see how anything could go wrong.

She couldn't reach him, and she couldn't reach Danny, and the dirt was up to the boy's knees, and now up to his hips, and now over his shoulders

She couldn't stop shaking.

He couldn't find anything wrong with the show

Michael couldn't or wouldn't

Now she couldn't imagine how or why she had ever cared.

She couldn't see where she was going, because hot tears streamed down her face

As she drove across the intersection and into the entrance drive that led to the Golden Pyramid Hotel, Tina couldn't shake the creepy feeling that she was being watched by someone who meant to harm her

A lot of our regular junketeers and high rollers couldn't make it to the VIP opening of Magyck! I'd like you to get their names from the computer, plus a list of the wedding anniversaries of those who're married."

She couldn't breathe.

Besides, Angela couldn't have broken into the house

Even though he was only a creature from a nightmare, and even though it was utterly impossible for him to be here in the flesh, she couldn't shake the heart-clenching feeling that he was in the room

The damned thing couldn't be switching itself on.

She couldn't pour for them because her hands were shaking too badly.

Her mother was shattered, couldn't bear to view the body, though the daughter hadn't suffered substantial physical damage, the way Danny did

Because the mother hadn't seen the body in the funeral home, she just couldn't bring herself to believe her daughter was really dead

I discovered I couldn't learn to cope with the loss if I stayed in a place that was so crowded with memories of her

At night, the view of Las Vegas from the mountainside was undeniably spectacular, but Elliot couldn't understand what other reasons anyone could possibly have for choosing to live here rather than in the city's older, greener neighborhoods

Elliot's mind raced through a list of cases that his law firm was currently handling, searching for some connection with these two intruders, but he couldn't think of one.

This was a bizarre notion, and she didn't know where it had come from, but she couldn't dispel it.

He couldn't get the license number

The pressure in his chest grew so great that he couldn't get his breath.

From the date on its cover, she knew that the issue containing The Boy Who Was Not Dead couldn't be one of the first pieces in Danny's collection

He couldn't see the van.

Apparently, Tom couldn't conceive that burglars, psychopathic killers, and other lowlifes were permitted to purchase a Mercedes-Benz if they had the money for it

As they continued west on Charleston Boulevard, Tina said, "Earlier you told me we couldn't go to the police with this."

"They probably couldn't provide enough protection to stop it."

As he and Tina walked across the parking lot toward the diner, Elliot couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was watching them

Elliot couldn't see it, but he could hear the beating of its wings.

All the other parents were asked to identify their kids, even though some of the corpses were in such a horrible state they couldn't be cosmetically restored for viewing at a funeral

If that many voices were raised, then Vince's bosses couldn't risk silencing all of them, and we'd be safe

The boys couldn't have gotten very close to such a well-guarded place

Surely they couldn't have managed to get more than a glimpse."

Tina couldn't speak

She couldn't move.

Tina wasn't able to cover her ears; her arms hung straight down at her sides, frozen, rigid, hands fisted, and she couldn't find the will or the strength to lift them

She wanted to scream, but she couldn't make a sound.

Danny survived the accident, but they couldn't let him come home because he'd tell everyone the government was responsible for the deaths of the others, and that would blow their secret military installation wide open."

Christina Evans probably hadn't entertained a single doubt about the official explanation of the Sierra accident; she probably hadn't known a damned thing about Pandora when she had requested an exhumation, but her timing couldn't have been worse.

You couldn't have known what would happen after I talked to Kennebeck."

Because the Network did not officially exist, it couldn't openly use its authority to gather information

He couldn't see anyone in any of them

In any case, he couldn't stand here all night brooding about it.

When he was across the wall, he looked back, but he couldn't see anyone.

But he couldn't tell anyone about his achievements

I made sure he couldn't reach you, couldn't hurt you."

We couldn't begin to conduct a thorough search of it."

Tina's confidence couldn't be shaken

And since the banks are closed for the holiday, we couldn't do anything until next week

Considering the high price that they had paid for the pathetically insufficient information they had obtained, he couldn't tolerate the prospect of all their pain and fear and anxiety having been for naught.

This broad shelf in the mountainside couldn't have been as large or as regularly shaped in its natural state as it was now: three hundred yards wide, two hundred yards deep, almost a perfect rectangle

"And if he can jam a submachine gun, why couldn't he interfere with a closed-circuit television transmission?"

The cab was at such an angle from them that they couldn't see who was in it.

For a moment Tina couldn't move, afraid to see what they had done to Danny

She couldn't pinpoint what else about his eyes made him so different from any eyes she had ever seen, but as she met Danny's gaze, a shiver passed through her, and she felt a profound and terrible pity for him.

She couldn't control herself any longer, so she allowed her own tears to come, rivers of tears, a flood

If they felt they had some terrific new bug that we didn't know about, something against which we couldn't retaliate in kind, they'd use it on us."

He wasn't scheduled for R and R, and on the spur of the moment he couldn't think of an excuse to sign out one of the Range Rovers, so he tried to escape on foot

He couldn't keep anything in his stomach because recently they've been reinfecting him, testing him to destruction, like I said

When they took Danny out of the small room, they couldn't hear Zachariah's shouted invectives through the airtight steel door.

She couldn't think what to say.

The police couldn't stop them

I was hoping it would find me, but it couldn't know that I was here

I couldn't understand what was in front of me.

I couldn't believe it when I heard the police had arrested him

'Colonel Protheroe just wrote that he couldn't wait any longer

'Imagine,' I said, 'that at about 6.30 Colonel Protheroe sat down to write that he couldn't wait any longer

'Then it couldn't have been Dr Stone,' said Lawrence.

I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about Colonel Protheroe, so I got up and looked out of my window

'Of course,' said Lawrence, 'She couldn't avoid overhearing

I couldn't think of an answer so I took the blue earring from my pocket

But if the robbery was reported, well, the things couldn't be sold at all.'

'And Clara couldn't hear Mary sneeze in your kitchen if she was standing at my gate.'

'You couldn't hear anyone sneezing in my study from your gate,' I said.

He wouldn't have needed to tell you that he couldn't wait any longer until after half-past six

But, we still couldn't open it.

'I couldn't keep it to myself any longer.'

You told me long ago that you couldn't explain them to me, but this is an emergency

They couldn't just talk about things

She couldn't decide which sport to choose