How to use "crazy" in a sentence


This terrible, growing thirst will drive me crazy.

"I think he's crazy and we will die here unless we escape."

'Are you crazy? You need money to go to England, and I haven't got any

And Detective, you might think that I'm crazy, but I know what this man wants..."

Is she crazy or just terrified? "Miss Thornton, if this man enters your house, we can arrest him

What? Oh, who cares about her? She'll probably like prison, the crazy cow: more people for her to hurt

It was crazy the way it did that, even after a whole year together.

The idea was crazy

"Has everyone gone crazy?"

"Take it easy, crazy girl!" said Cham

"Also, I know you think it's crazy, but..

"It's a little bit crazy," said Cham

"Are you two crazy?" Niki couldn't believe it

This was crazy; she shouldn't have come

"I've been going crazy."

You don't even know this woman and now she's filling your head with all these crazy stories..."

"It's not crazy

a wild, crazy dream that they've invented to confuse you

Why not? The more that she considered it, the less crazy it seemed

Grief could drive a person crazy

In one of her terrible seizures of grief, in a moment of crazy dark despair, had she come into this room and unknowingly printed those words on Danny's chalkboard?

She wasn't going crazy

"This is crazy," she said shakily.

What possible excuse could he have? What twisted logic could justify this sort of sick behavior? It was crazy, hateful.

She had the crazy feeling that she wasn't alone

"See? You do think I'm crazy."

These days, you're crazy if you open your door without knowing exactly who's on the other side of it."

"But it's all so crazy."

"It's crazy," he said, "but I feel eyes on me."

"It sounds crazy," Elliot said

"I must be crazy," she said

"You're crazy," Hensen said from his seat behind the pilot.

"This is crazy," Hensen said

It was clear they thought I was crazy

They have told me since that I was singing a crazy song about 'The Last Man Left Alive! The Last Man Left Alive!' Although they were troubled with their own affairs, these people were very helpful to me