How to use "creature" in a sentence


We sailed for three months and we never saw the creature once.

The creature looked as if it was asleep

I saw the harpoon leave his hand and hit the giant creature right in its back

The Nautilus was too strong for it, but it was a very frightening creature!

Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen

This was such an intelligent, sensitive creature, who seemed to know exactly who she was.

On the wall to the left of the bed, a poster of the creature from the Alien movies tore down the middle.

Even though he was only a creature from a nightmare, and even though it was utterly impossible for him to be here in the flesh, she couldn't shake the heart-clenching feeling that he was in the room

In every repulsive detail, he was precisely like the hideous creature that stalked her nightmares.

How could she have dreamed about this hideous creature just last night and then find it waiting for her here, today, only hours later?

She was curious about the story out of which that creature had stepped, for she had the peculiar feeling that, in some way, it would be similar to the story of Danny's death

He was a rag doll with only meager scraps of stuffing, a fragile and timorous creature, nothing whatsoever like the happy, vibrant, active boy that he had once been

No other living creature can carry it

Instead, I was looking at a quick-breathing, desperate creature

The thought of the creature trapped inside was so terrible to him that he forgot the heat, and went forwards to the cylinder to help

A big, greyish round creature, the size, perhaps, of a bear, was rising slowly and painfully out of the cylinder

The whole creature was breathing heavily

Suddenly, the creature disappeared

What link could there be between that creature and my wife?

'Well, it must be that creature with the yellow face

Can't you see that Miss Halcombe has more intelligence than most men? She is a noble creature, full of strength and courage, and she'll use it all to protect that foolish little wife of yours

There, at Blackwater Park, I met the magnificent creature who is inscribed on my heart as 'Marian'