How to use "held" in a sentence


Conseil and I held onto it

She had a big smile on her face, and she held my hand.

And when I finished playing, she held the little boy's hand and came across.

Then she got up and held little Forrest's hand, and they walked away.

"No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due."

And while I do not choose now to specify particular acts of Congress as proper to be enforced, I do suggest that it will be much safer for all, both in official and private stations, to conform to and abide by all those acts which stand un repealed, than to violate any of them, trusting to find impunity in having them held to be unconstitutional.

A majority held in restraint by constitutional checks and limitations, and always changing easily with deliberate changes of popular opinions and sentiments, is the only true sovereign of a free people

I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution - which amendment, however, I have not seen - has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service

I ask further, is it unconstitutional for me to say to the British Government "I refuse to serve you"? Is it unconstitutional for our worthy Chairman to return with every respect all the titles that he has ever held from the Government? Is it unconstitutional for any parent to withdraw his children from a Government or aided school? Is it unconstitutional for a lawyer to say "I shall no longer support the arm of the law so long as that arm of law is used not to raise me but to debase me"? Is it unconstitutional for a civil servant or for a judge to say, "I refuse to serve a Government which does not wish to respect the wishes of the whole people"?

Beckwith held out the saucepan once more.

Mme Thenardier took the coin the old man held towards her and walked away.

But, as she held the old man's hand, she gazed wide-eyed at the sky

He sat in his chair with his back to the door and held his breath

Now please leave me alone.' Marius tried again to shut the door, but she still held it open.

He managed to open it but, before he could jump, the three men jumped on him and held him to the floor.

Finally, she kissed the book, held it to her heart and waited for the evening, when she knew that something special was going to occur.

Marius caught her and held her tightly in his arms without realizing what he was doing, lost in a mist of love

He was being followed! He pressed himself against the wall, held his breath and waited

The opening was closed with a strong iron gate, held firm by a huge, rusty lock

He held Marius's head to his chest and they cried together.

She pressed his hands in hers and held them to her lips.

Sala and Cham stepped off the walkway near their apartment blocks, and as they did so, someone knocked Sala's elbow, then held her arm for a second.

Sala greeted her, then held out her hand

He held on to a dolphin's tail and it began to play with him, pulling him along much faster than he could swim

She'd opened the note and held it with trembling fingers

Sala stared at Gran, who held out the note

"Cham." Sala held his hand

As Sala held her breath, his eyes slowly hardened

Gran held her hand and Mom put an arm around her shoulders

I was glad and I held the book tightly in my hand

In my bedroom was a book that Rebecca had held in her hands

I held Maxim's arm and looked up into his face

I held Maxim's hand

I took his hand and held it tight.

Then he said, 'The Manderley Ball was held every year

I picked up the slippers and held them in my hand.

I went to the bed and held the nightdress to my face

Mrs Danvers held my arm tightly with her long thin fingers

I smiled and held out my hand to him.

It was the first and the last we ever held there

She took my hand and held it.

I held on to the window ledge with both hands.

Then she went to the door and held it open for me.

I took his hand and held it against my face.

Maxim put his arm round me and held me closely.

Maxim held both my hands and looked into my face.

Maxim came up to me and held out his hands.

I held his hands against my heart

I held his hand tightly.

Ben held Frank's arm

I have written it here.' And Frank held out a piece of paper.

Tomorrow will be a long day.' He held my hand for a moment, but he did not look into my eyes

I put my arms around him and held him

Then Maxim held me tightly

She held her breath as his face came slowly around

Mainway carried and held himself as if he were an aristocrat, and his mane of silver hair and his clear blue eyes contributed to the image he wished to project

He made no great show of being more than ordinarily interested in her, but the attraction she held for him was evident in his eyes

All four of the remaining photos were swinging back and forth on the picture hooks that held them

The display case that held nine model airplanes rocked, banging repeatedly against the wall

The only way she could have held on to her husband would have been to abandon her new career, and she had refused to do that.

Yet the taunting words on the chalkboard and the destruction in the bedroom seemed to be the work of someone who felt that she should be held accountable for the accident

As he drew near, he opened his arms, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to hold and comfort her, as if he had held her many times before, and she leaned against him in the same spirit of familiarity

He held her until she stopped shuddering.

On the first, a black carriage, drawn by four black horses with evil glaring eyes, rushed along a night highway, beneath a gibbous moon, and a headless man held the reins, urging the frenzied horses forward

Vince held the pistol in his right hand and made a fist with his left

Elliot held his ground.

But Death decided that Kevin belonged to him, because the funeral had been held already and because the grave had been closed

The tires squealed, and the car slid sideways, but the superb suspension and responsive steering held the Mercedes firmly on four wheels all the way through the arc.

Kennebeck held several jobs in different intelligence organizations

He risked a quick look, shifting his attention from the road, but there wasn't enough light in the car for him to see what she held

Danny's alive, being held somewhere, and he's trying to reach me with his mind

In the dim light, where the brightest thing was mauve shadow, he found her eyes, held her with his intent gaze

Bruckster held his hand eighteen inches below Michael Evans's eyes, so that the dealer was forced to glance down to see what was being shown to him.

Elliot held his hand to the vent

Elliot took the pistol out of his coat jacket and held it in his right hand

At the request of its casino manager, every hotel held a handful of rooms off the market, just in case a few regular customers - high rollers, of course - showed up by surprise, with no advance notice, but with fat bankrolls and no place to stay

A short time later, in bed, they held each other close, but neither of them had sex in mind

Her right hand, in which she held the pen, grew rapidly colder than any other part of her

He held his hand in front of Tina's eyes.

Elliot held the vehicle on the pavement as they rounded the bend, and then they were out of the guard's line of fire

He held on with a fierce, desperate strength.

She held Danny close, and she stared into his dark eyes, and she wasn't able to comfort herself with those words from the Bible

Danny's eyes held too much pain, too much knowledge

A year later, Tina has reason to believe the accident did not occur as reported - that her son is alive, is being held against his will, and is in desperate need of her

I held the champagne and glasses while he unlocked the door and switched on the lights

'Hello - what's this?' He held up a piece of notepaper.

When he had gone, Mrs Lestrange also got up and held out her hand to me

The inquest into Colonel Protheroe's death was held that same Saturday afternoon at the Blue Boar.

And now look at this!' She held out a newspaper.

'Oh, yes!' She held out her hand

'Lettice,' I said, and held out the earring, 'Why did you drop this in my study?'

I held it out to him and asked him what it was.

But mother - well, I shall be with her till the end...' She got up and I held her hand

One tentacle held onto the cylinder; another moved in the air.

A kind of arm held a complicated metal case, out of which the Heat-Ray flashed as it killed anyone who was still moving

One on the left, the furthest away, held a large case high in the air, and the terrible Heat-Ray shone towards Chertsey and struck the town.

He heard their screams and, hurrying round the corner, saw a couple of men trying to pull them out of the little cart which they had been driving, while a third held onto the frightened horse's head

The other, younger one was hitting the man who held her arm with a whip.

It was no time for fair fighting, and my brother quieted him with a kick, then took hold of the collar of the man who held the younger lady's arm

The man he held pulled himself free and ran off down the road in the direction from which he had come.

Still recovering, my brother found himself facing the man who had held the horse's head, and realized that the cart was moving away along the road

He held it pointing down, and a cloud of steam came up from the water as it hit the ship.

I had still held onto some hope.

'You are a brave man.' And suddenly I held his hand

I realized the stupidity of the small hope I had held on to for so long

"I promise that I will tell you everything some day, but if you enter now, you will cause great sadness." Then she held me tightly, and I tried to push her off.

I held on to the branch of a tree as I moved to the water

He held her arm so tightly that he left dark bruises on her white skin