How to use "cries" in a sentence


Now there were two little cries

And hit him when he cries:

And I hope you see me in your imagination - when they put the rope around your neck and the crowd cries out for your death!'

She later changed this to a quiet cry of 'Oh! Murder!' Mrs Prater said she went back to sleep; she often heard cries of murder in the court.

Mrs Lewis did nothing because cries like this were usual in Whitechapel

And there are more cries from the crowd, and everyone seems to know what is happening now

The scared cries now become angry shouts.

Danny's cries and her response became increasingly shrill and desperate, for they knew that they must reach each other before nightfall or be lost forever; in the oncoming night, something waited for Danny, something fearsome that would seize him if he was alone after dark

Eventually he fell asleep, but at four o'clock in the morning, he was awakened by cries of distress.

"They're cries for help."

James heard the baby's loud cries the moment he opened the front gate