How to use "cylinder" in a sentence


The uncovered part looked like an enormous cylinder, about thirty metres across each end

For a minute he hardly realized what this meant, and although the heat was great, he climbed down into the pit to see the cylinder more closely

He realized that, very slowly, the round top of the cylinder was turning.

The cylinder was artificial - hollow - with an end that screwed out! Something inside the cylinder was unscrewing the top!

The thought of the creature trapped inside was so terrible to him that he forgot the heat, and went forwards to the cylinder to help

It's a cylinder - an artificial cylinder! And there's something inside.'

The two men hurried back at once to the common, and found the cylinder still lying in the same position

When I got there, I found a little crowd of perhaps twenty people surrounding the great pit in which the cylinder lay

A large part of the cylinder had now been uncovered, although its lower end was still hidden in the side of the pit.

I saw a young man - I believe he was a shop assistant in Woking - standing on the cylinder and trying to climb out of the pit again

The end of the cylinder was being screwed out from within

I turned, and as I did the screw came out and the lid of the cylinder fell onto the sand with a ringing sound

I half-turned, still keeping my eyes on the cylinder, from which other tentacles were now coming out, and began pushing my way back from the side of the pit

I looked again at the cylinder, and felt great terror.

A big, greyish round creature, the size, perhaps, of a bear, was rising slowly and painfully out of the cylinder

One tentacle held onto the cylinder; another moved in the air.

It had fallen over the edge of the cylinder and into the pit

Many people had heard of the cylinder, of course, and talked about it, but it did not have as much effect as a political event.

This was the second cylinder.

I learned that they were shooting into the wood in which the second cylinder had fallen

An hour or two later a field-gun arrived for use against the first cylinder.

It was the third cylinder!

Then the tripod turned and walked away towards where the second cylinder lay.

Between us and Leatherhead, however, lay the third cylinder

My brother was not worried about us, as he knew from the description in the papers chat the cylinder was three kilometres from my house

At about seven o'clock last night the Martians came out of the cylinder and, moving around in metal machines, completely destroyed Woking station and the houses around it, and killed around 600 soldiers

Each of the Martians, standing in the great curve I have described, had used the tube he carried to fire a large cylinder over whatever hill, wood or other possible hiding-place for guns might be in front of him

Then the fourth cylinder fell - a bright green star to the north-east.

Wherever there was a possibility of guns being hidden, they fired a cylinder of Black Smoke at them, and where the guns could be seen they used the Heat-Ray.

Then came the dull noise of the shots that the Martians fired, and the cylinder flying over the trees and houses and breaking in the neighboring fields.

I will tell you later about the falling of the fifth cylinder

That night the seventh cylinder fell in London, on Primrose Hill.

Suddenly, the nearest Martian lowered his tube and fired a cylinder at the Thunder Child

Through this we saw the body of a Martian, watching a cylinder which was still red with heat

'The fifth cylinder!' I whispered

The fifth cylinder had not fallen on our house, but on top of the house next door

The cylinder had gone right through it and made a large hole in the ground, much larger than the pit I had looked into in Woking

By chance the kitchen had escaped and now stood buried under earth and bricks, covered on every side except towards the cylinder

The cylinder was already open in the centre of the pit, and on the furthest side one of the great fighting-machines, empty now, stood tall and unmoving against the evening sky

However, at first I hardly noticed the pit and the cylinder, because of the strange shining machine that I saw working there, and the odd creatures that were crawling slowly and painfully across the earth near it.

With these it was taking pieces of metal out of the cylinder and laying them on the earth behind it

When I looked again, the busy building-machine had already put together several of the pieces of metal from inside the cylinder into a shape that was very like its own

'I was buried near the pit the Martians made around their cylinder

'After the tenth shot they fired no more - at least until the first cylinder came.'

Wimbledon particularly had suffered, and beyond there I saw piles of earth around the sixth cylinder

I followed them to my study and found, lying on my writing- table, the page of work I had left on the afternoon of the opening of the cylinder

In that case, the cylinder could be destroyed before it was cool enough for the Martians to come out, or they could be killed by guns as soon as the door opened

Seven months ago, when these planets were close together, faint, dark marks appeared on photographs which suggested that a cylinder had been fired from one to the other.