How to use "pool" in a sentence


On the ground in front of me is a pool of brown water

Then, noticing the pool of blood on the ground behind her, cried, 'You're wounded! I'll carry you to the inn

"The truth, Jimmy." And Hank throws the end of the cigar into the pool in front of him

"I don't want you to say anything stupid, Jimmy, because this is your last chance." He looks across the pool to his assistant

And Jimmy looks at the pool and the clear water, and he nods

Clive nods and pushes a button on a control panel next to the pool

But then the second is over, and he kicks Jimmy in the back, and Jimmy falls into the pool with a scream.

And for a little while more they wait, until the surface of the pool is calm again

After some time, Nathan goes to look at the swimming pool.

The office was shadowy, and she was at her desk in a pool of soft light.

Alone now on the third floor, she sat in the pool of amber light at her desk, surrounded by shadows, yawning

The residents of Sunrise Mountain could expect to share their patios and decks and pool aprons with occasional visiting scorpions, tarantulas, and rattlesnakes

A three-sided, fan-shaped tent had been erected on the back lawn, to one side of the sixty-foot pool, with the open side facing the house

When he turned from the motor home, his gaze fell on a dense pool of shadows around the trash bin at the back of the restaurant, and again he had the feeling that someone was watching him from concealment.

There was a pool of some dark liquid by his head, and it was dripping on to the floor

I fell heavily into a shallow pool of water.

I was wet with rain above and pool-water below

A broken bottle of wine had formed a pool on the pavement