How to use "data" in a sentence


Tina returned to her inspection of the carpenter's bill, and Angela was back at five minutes past four with thirty pages of data.

Although the hotel collected this data with, for the most part, the customers' happiness in mind, Tina wondered how pleased these people would be to learn that the Golden Pyramid maintained fat dossiers on them.

Because so much material in the hotel's files was extremely confidential information about high rollers, and because the Pyramid's list of favored customers would be of enormous value to competitors, only approved people could obtain this data, and a record was kept of everyone who accessed it

Simultaneously the laser printer began to churn out the same data.

Tina waited until at least a hundred names had been listed before she decided that the system had been programmed to print the lines about Danny only one time, only on her office's first data request of the afternoon, and on no later call-up.

She canceled this data request and closed out the file

With a sharp, loud, electronic snap that startled Tina, the computer abruptly began to churn out additional data, although she hadn't requested any

She had nothing to lose by trying to follow the data chain

Tina stooped beside the wall outlet from which the computer received its electrical power and its data feed

The hacker geeks in computer operations can probably access all the rental agencies' data files long distance."

Aaron Zachariah, younger than Dombey, clean-shaven, with straight brown hair, leaned over one of the computers, reading the data that flowed across the screen

There's more data to be gotten from him."

He's more important because he's a human being, not because he's a source of data, Dombey thought angrily, but he didn't voice the thought because it would have identified him as a dissident and as a potential security risk.

There were more video displays than Tina could count at a glance; most were switched on, and data flowed in the form of graphs, charts, and numbers

"After Li Chen defected with all the data on Wuhan-400, he was brought here

But we've checked our data a hundred times, and we can't find anything wrong with that diagnosis