How to use "daughter" in a sentence


I had to carry her and she's fallen asleep.' As she spoke these words, she gave her daughter a loving kiss, which woke her up

She took Mme Thenardiers hand and said, 'Will you look after my daughter for me?'

The next morning, Fantine kissed her daughter goodbye and left for Montreuil, crying as if her heart would break.

Fantine, meanwhile, found work in Montreuil and asked for news of her daughter every month

At the end of the year, however, Thenardier was not happy with just seven francs a month; he demanded twelve and Fantine paid without protest, happy that her daughter was being well cared for.

Although she was careful to say nothing about her daughter to anyone, other women at the factory soon discovered her secret

Fantine, who did not have ten francs, but who was afraid that her daughter would freeze to death, went to the barber's shop

They gave the dress to their daughter, Eponine, and Cosette went on shivering.

'My hair will grow again,' she thought, 'but teeth would be gone forever.' But then she thought about her daughter, and her own appearance suddenly seemed unimportant

Now I've become a bad woman, but what choice did I have? I'll never get my daughter back if I don't make money.'

Fantine smiled, and began to talk dreamily about her future life with her daughter, and how happy they would be together

'That nasty little girl, who isn't even my own daughter, who I feed and look after out of the kindness of my heart, has been playing with my daughters' doll.'

When his daughter died, M

They seemed to be father and daughter.

Leblanc and his daughter had risen from their bench and were slowly walking in his direction

Leblanc had begun to suspect what was happening because often, when Marius appeared, he got to his feet and walked away, taking his daughter with him

Leblanc took his daughter to a different bench, to see if Marius would follow them

Leblanc became irregular in his visits and did not always bring his daughter with him

Leblanc and his daughter had just left

Leblanc and his daughter did not come to the Gardens at all

But my eldest daughter will tell you that my wife is sick and none of us have had any food for four days

My daughter is at your service

I saw him with his daughter in the church, and gave him the letter

Then, turning to his wife, he said, 'Quickly! Put out the fire!' While she poured water on the flames, the man broke the chair with his foot and told his younger daughter to break a window

A broken window - in this weather! My wife ill in bed and our younger daughter injured.'

The daughter, taking her father's words seriously, began to scream with fear

'But I'll take my daughter home and come back this evening with more money for you.'

My dearest daughter, You must come at once

On top of the cupboard, by his feet, he noticed the piece of paper that the elder daughter had written on: Be careful! The police are coming!

He looked up and recognized Eponine, Thenardiers elder daughter

Marius ran to the gate and was just in time to see the figure of Eponine, Thenardier's daughter, disappearing into the shadows at the end of the street.

'I have the honour, on behalf of my grandson, Marius Pontmercy, to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.'

The only thing they discovered was that Mme Thenardier had died, and that her husband had escaped from prison and disappeared with his surviving daughter, Azelma.

The stranger explained in great detail how he used to work for the government in foreign countries and that, now he was retired, he wanted to move to South America with his wife and daughter

I know that your wife is dead, but take the money and start a new life in America with your daughter

Mrs Van Hopper had read a letter from her daughter at breakfast

Her daughter sails for New York on Saturday and we're going with her

Vivienne had a daughter, a son-in-law, and three grandchildren in Sacramento

Besides, living in Sacramento, she wouldn't be a nickel duchess any longer; she wouldn't be anyone special; she would be just another elderly lady, living with her daughter's family, playing grandma, marking time, waiting to die.

Sooner or later word of her ranting's about poltergeists might get back to her daughter in Sacramento, and then the pressure to move to California would become unbearable

Her mother was shattered, couldn't bear to view the body, though the daughter hadn't suffered substantial physical damage, the way Danny did

Because the mother hadn't seen the body in the funeral home, she just couldn't bring herself to believe her daughter was really dead

"But don't forget," Elliot said, "her daughter's body wasn't mutilated."

I've heard gossip - about Redding and the daughter

And all the time he was keeping a second family - a former servant, and five children! What a terrible shock to his wife and daughter.'

And then, before he's even been buried, his daughter comes here and says I don't do my work properly.'

'Wasn't there a picture in The Crystal over the weekend of his daughter's wedding? And another one of him with his wife and children and grandchildren?' said James.

My sister Laura is the daughter of her second marriage

Years later, Sir Percival heard that her husband had abandoned her and her daughter was mentally disturbed

My daughter was put into a private asylum with my knowledge and approval

Her father had been my good friend, and his daughter was like a daughter to me

'I've come to tell you that your daughter is dead.' 'How do you know?' she asked indifferently.

'Sir Percival Glyde was involved in your daughter's death and has committed a crime against someone I love

My daughter Anne was born three months later

I did not object: I have never loved my daughter.

Sometimes, they also get money from the parents of their daughter's husband.

How old is your daughter Lolita?" asks Don Diego.

With your permission ', I want to marry your daughter," says Don Diego.

Don Carlos, his wife and daughter stand up

Don Carlos' wife and daughter look after Captain Ramon's injured shoulder

His wife and daughter cry.