How to use "day" in a sentence


Today is the third day of an activity holiday

I think about my plan for the day

Night and day

The optimistic feelings of earlier in the day have disappeared

Clouds at night are good because they trap the day's heat in the canyon, but clouds during the day are bad because the sun doesn't warm the air

I spend most of the day chipping, resting, and counting the minutes before my next drink of water.

This meant that they wouldn't do anything until late the following day.

It's now Tuesday, April the 29th: my fourth day trapped in the canyon.

I'll try to stay alive as long as I can, but I can't imagine living longer than one more day

It is now the warmest part of the day

Three hours later, I have reached the end of my third day trapped in the canyon

He wanted to check immediately, but he had to leave for Australia that day

As morning comes on the fifth day, I feel sure I can still last a few more days

Early afternoon is usually the warmest time of day

But today it's only thirteen degrees, the coldest day so far

I was also taking eighteen different medicines a day

We found bananas and coconuts, and we made a small camping area for the day

Ned Land still wanted to escape, and he thought about it every day

The next day, I saw the Captain on the platform

It was a bright sunny day

One day Conseil, Ned Land, and I were in the museum room

Alice and her big sister sat under a tree one sunny day

She catches a mouse every day - Oh! You're angry again! We won't talk about Dinah any more-'

'What day is it?' he asked.

'It tells you the day, but it doesn't tell you the time.'

'It's a very fine day,' somebody said

One lovely sunny day;

One day a big box of bananas fell down on my daddy and killed him.

One day I was walking home, and a car stopped next to me

A day or two later, after school in the afternoon, he and his friends came up to me and started pushing and hitting me

'I want to take Jenny Curran to the cinema,' I told Mom one day.

Next day, a letter arrived from a university

But one day when he had to change a wheel on the car, I helped him.

Next day I took it back to Bubba.

I was really happy, and I went and sat under a tree and played all day.

One day, the cook was ill, and somebody said, 'Gump, you're going to be the cook today.'

When it was day again, our planes came, and they blew up the enemy soldiers

It started to rain one day, and it didn't stop for two months! But we still had to look for enemy soldiers - and one day we found them

After the first few weeks my leg was getting better, and one day I went down into the little town, to the fish market

Every day for the next few weeks, I went with Mr Chi (that was his name) and watched him while he worked

Then one day I got back to the hospital and a Colonel Gooch said, 'Gump, we're going back to America together! You're going to see the President of the United States, and he's going to give you a medal because you were very brave.'

Then one day I came back to the flat and Jenny was sitting on the floor.

I waited outside for most of the day

The others were talking about something that would happen the next day

Next day, when Jenny went to work, I went back to the bar

Then one day a man called Mike came into the bar.

But I missed the bus that evening, and there wasn't another one until the next day

We were a day or two early for the tournament, and Mr Tribble took me to see some people who were making a film

Next day was the big chess tournament at the Beverly Hills Hotel

Mr Tribble and I got there early, and I had to play chess all day.

I played all that day, and the next

And the next day he took Sue and me out in his little boat, to look for a good place to start the shrimp business.

Finally the day came when Sue and I were ready to go shrimping

And one day I dressed in my best clothes and got the bus to Mobile, and I went to Jenny's Mom's house.

By the end of the next week, we were getting ten dollars a day

The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of ''interposition" and "nullification" - one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."

With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

And this will be the day - this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:

And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

This is a day of national consecration

And I am certain that on this day my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency, I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our people impels.

The story I want to tell is about a man who came into the company one day

Mr Slinkton was not my only visitor that day

'You thought I was drinking brandy all day - but I threw most of it away

The next day she told Amelia she did not feel well

But again nobody saw or heard him when he killed Annie in the light of a busy day

Friday November 9th was the day when the citizens of London celebrated the Lord Mayor's Show

'I hope it will be a fine day tomorrow,' Mary had told Mrs Prater the morning before, 'as I want to go to the Lord Mayor's Show.' At 10.45 on Friday morning Mary's landlord, John McCarthy, was checking his accounts in his shop at 27 Dorset Street

Next day Inspector Abbeline examined the ashes in the fireplace

Also, Druitt was playing cricket in Dorset on September 1st, the day Polly Nichols was murdered.

This was published on October 1st, the day that the world finally had a name for the Whitechapel killer.

I've been walking all day, and nobody in this town will give me food or a bed for the night

They made her get up before dawn every day and do all the dirty jobs around the house, while Eponine and Azelma wore pretty clothes and played with dolls

At dawn the next day, M

To avoid being seen, he never went out during the day

Valjean spent all day making preparations to leave

One day, however, his grandfather discovered what he was doing

'Do you know who they are?' Marius asked him one day.

Then one day, as he was passing, thinking about nothing in particular, the girl looked up at him and their eyes met

The next day, Marius returned to the Luxembourg Gardens wearing his best clothes

He returned the next morning and sat on a bench all day, pretending to read a book, not daring to go near the bench where the girl and her father were sitting

He did the same every day for two weeks

Every day for the next month, Marius went to the Luxembourg Gardens, excited by knowing that the girl was secretly looking at him, but too shy and embarrassed to know what to do

He kissed the handkerchief, breathed in its perfume, wore it next to his heart by day and kept it under his pillow at night.

The following day, M

The next day they did not go to the Gardens, so again Marius went to the house as night was falling

'Ah, this is for the old man who goes to church every day

When Jean Valjean returned from his business the following day, Cosette told him about the noises in the garden

It's a long time ago, but do you remember the day when you first looked at me - in the Luxembourg Gardens? And the day you walked past me? Those things happened nearly a year ago

During that month of May in the year 1832, Cosette and Marius met every day in the wild garden of that small, secret house

'A whole day without seeing you! That's unbearable!'

'It's worth losing a day together if we want to be happy for the rest of our lives.'

'Wait until the day after tomorrow

I'll ask no more questions, but you must promise to be here early the day after tomorrow

Gillenormand hoped that Marius, whom he still loved, would return one day.

The day of his funeral was arranged for 5 June, and thousands of people saw this as a chance to make a public protest against the king and his government.

Cosette, however, did not leave her bedroom the next day, and Jean Valjean had dinner alone

Finally, when even his great strength was beginning to fade, he saw ahead of him a light - the clear light of day

Every day, according to one of the servants, a white-haired, well-dressed gentleman came to ask for news of the sick man.

'There's something I have to say to you,' Marius told his grandfather one day.

'She comes here every day in the shape of an old man who asks for news of you

Later that day, Cosette arrived at M

Cosette, accompanied by Jean Valjean, visited Marius every day

Cosette and Marius made a handsome couple on their wedding day

The next day Valjean visited M

I won't allow you to spend another day here.'

One day her mother made some cakes and said to her, "Go, my dear, and see how your grandmother is doing, because she has been very ill

"Hello handsome," she always says to me, "another day at the office?" And I never say much, but I do not have to: we understand each other without words

And they watch me every day, and I think that they watch me at night too."

She looks over her shoulder again quickly and automatically as if she does it a hundred times a day

"G'day!" says the other one.

With a full belly you can sit and watch this all day."

In the day, when it's hot and sunny like today, they don't worry about anything

It is better than serving drinks in a pub or helping out at his dad's office, but only if it is a short day, and only if the case is closed quickly

He forgot to do it once, and they refused to pay him for the day.

And there is no birdsong to let you know that the sun and the new day are nearly here.

Maybe it is time for the first drink of the day after all, and he takes the small flask from the pocket of his denim jacket, removes the lid and swallows.

On that first day Brandon said no to the plan

On the second day he said no again

On the third day his truck stopped on the highway

So, on the fourth day he said yes.

When Owen was a boy of fourteen, he played rugby or football every day, he ran to the school in the village just for fun, and he spent every Sunday in the forests with his dad.

"And one day they can be yours if you want."

If you have no gun, then there is no problem; we can come back for the gun another day

"Exactly!" says Owen, and he feels full of pride and thinks what a wonderful day this is: out in the beauty of the Welsh countryside with his son.

Exhausted from a long day at work and made passive by the slow journey home.

"To remind you of the day we met."

"So, tell me about your day," she said, over her shoulder

"Maybe one day

I just thought you might be annoyed with me, and I didn't want to ruin our day."

They only attended one day a week; on the other days, they studied virtually, on the ultranet

"Niki and I passed the laboratory the other day - there were loads of people looking for work."

"And remember, Sala, maybe there will be something better, one day

At last, she knew she couldn't put off her decision any longer, and when she'd finished her studies on the day after the pod experience, she invited Cham to her apartment.

"They've put in new nanobots that stay inside the equipment and check everything, every day

That night, and the following day, went very slowly

There will be a Contact Hour for visits each day."

"Well, Gran," said Sala, "maybe one day, when Cham comes out of the pod, and they've managed to break through the force field, we really will be able to go together

Cham's last day was difficult for everyone

Sala went to the energy center every day, hoping she'd see Wena

And then, one day, it did

The first week ended at last, bringing the day when Sala could speak to Cham again

The next day, Sala started to look for her

But the day before her next Ultranet Talk Hour with Cham, she decided to go to the simulator center

At the pod center, the next day, Sala sat in the shadow of the huge hologram, waiting

We must have looked a strange pair as we walked into the hotel restaurant that day

'I shall be away all day tomorrow

I sat on a window seat, looking at the bright day outside

The following day, Mrs Van Hopper woke up with a sore throat and a high temperature

I wanted to have something of his now that our day was over.

Every day I had lunch with him at his table.

'If only we could keep our memories like scent in a bottle,' I said one day

'Why do you ask me to come out in your car, day after day?' I said

I spent the rest of the day packing and arranging the journey

I had not seen Maxim all day

'One day I'll remind you of those words

I was like a child on her first day at school.

But this was the tea served at Manderley every day.

The same things happened at the same time every day

'I wondered if you had seen the menus for the day

But, every hour of the day, the past made a wall between us.

'It was a lovely day

But Frank did not sit in the morning room every day as I did

One day, Robert brought a large parcel into the morning-room where I was sitting alone

The following day, after lunch, Frith brought our coffee to the library as usual

'Perhaps I'll come back and see you one day

'I come into these room and dust them every day,' Mrs Danvers said

I wondered what I should do all day

'It's a lovely day, isn't it?'

'I've had a long day,' Maxim answered

I felt I was growing up a little more every day

The next day I made a sketch of the picture

The preparations for the great day went on

On the day of the Ball, Maxim and I had lunch with Frank

This is what I had wanted him to say, every day and every night

'He came here the day you went to London

'I knew the boat would be found one day,' he said

The menu for the day lay on the desk

It was the same food as the day before

Frith brought in the newspapers at breakfast the following day

When I phoned the following day, Rebecca was dead

'Can you tell us how Mrs de Winter spent that last day in London? Did she keep a diary?' asked Colonel Julyan.

'Here is the page for the day Mrs de Winter died,' she said

Tomorrow will be a long day.' He held my hand for a moment, but he did not look into my eyes

This was the start of a new day at Manderley

The day ahead would be long and tiring

It was going to be a perfect day

We want to know why she came to see you on the day she died.'

'If you have any record of a visit on that day, could we see it?' Colonel Julyan asked

It's been a long day.'

Next day, at Starshine Studios, Zak Wakeman is making a movie.

The next day, Nathan and Natalie tell Zak their story

Gradually, day by day, week by week, she had put Danny behind her, with sorrow, with guilt, with tears and much bitterness, but also with firmness and determination

She half convinced herself that the dream was a premonition of Danny's eventual return to her, that somehow he had survived and would be coming back into her arms one day soon.

Meanwhile, the sky grew darker by the second; massive storm clouds, like the clenched fists of celestial giants, squeezed the last light out of the day

During the twelve years of their marriage, Tina had become a different and more complex person than she'd been on their wedding day, but Michael hadn't changed at all - and didn't like the woman that she had become

Big day.

Thus far, the thirtieth of December had been a busy, noisy, exciting day at the Pyramid

She usually worked during the day, not at night

After a hard day of crime fighting, you can get stinking drunk and throw up on yourself, and it doesn't matter

Bally's, formerly the MGM Grand, was getting to be one of the older establishments on the continuously rejuvenating Las Vegas Strip, but it was still one of the most popular hotels in town, and on this last day of the year it was packed

Some dealers were cold and uncommunicative, but Michael felt the day went faster when he was friendly with people

It's a fairly warm day."

"Then there's 'Vegas syndrome.' Someone gets so carried away with gambling and running from show to show that he forgets to eat for a whole day or longer

They go to bed at dawn, get up in the afternoon, and they lose track of what day it is

When the excitement wears off a little, they go to check out of the hotel, and they discover their three-day weekend somehow turned into five days

Standing before her in the sunshine, his white shirt shimmering with squiggles of reflected light that bounced off the parked cars, he favored her with that self-satisfied, superior smile that made her feel as cold as this winter day ought to have been.

During the day, however, the merciless sun was unkind to the Strip

It's a four-day weekend

Every winter for sixteen years, he had taken a group of scouts to northern Nevada, beyond Reno, into the High Sierras, on a seven-day wilderness survival excursion.

After so much talk about death, she needed a glimpse of movement, action, life; and although the Strip sometimes was grubby in the flat glare of the desert sun, the boulevard was always, day or night, bustling and filled with life.

One day she was a happy, normal kid

The next day she seemed to have a touch of flu, and the third day she was dead

"Probably not even then, what with the four-day weekend."

"When I was poor, I looked forward to the day when I'd have a lovely home full of beautiful things, all arranged by the very best interior decorator

On Sunday, when the exhumation was out of the way, maybe he would fly Tina to Arizona or to Los Angeles for the day.

The conversations were like those in which he was involved at work, eight or ten hours a day, five days a week and he didn't intend to spend a holiday nattering about the same damned things.

In a day or two, someone would find him out there, his face blue-green-gray, his tongue dark and lolling, his eyes bulging in their sockets as he stared through the windshield as if on a drive to Hell

They both said "Have a nice day," and she locked the door after he left.

He had his law degree, but he didn't want the hassle of a day-to-day legal practice

True to the rhythm of Vegas life, someone was just beginning his day with a hearty breakfast

Nearly everyone was engaged in animated conversations, couples and cozy groups of friends, enjoying themselves, looking forward to the remaining three days of the four-day holiday.

One day, about two years ago, I was in the kitchen, making an apple pie, and Danny came in to tell me Elmer wasn't anywhere to be found in the yard

Kennebeck had known Alexander for five years and had despised him from the day they met

Never during the day

It's been a hard day's night."

Theirs was an animal need for affection and companionship, a reaction to the death and destruction that had filled the day

"I want them found before another day passes," Alexander said

But will you tell me one day when you aren't in such a damn rush?"

So I usually just drive down the day before I open

An Explorer's the only thing I'd want to take through the mountains on a bad day."

Dombey said, "Although he gets weaker every day, for some reason he wins out over the virus faster each time

"You're trained what to do from the day you start to work here

One day later all of them were dead..

One day maybe he would be standing in a graveyard, before the tombstone of one of his victims, and the person he had killed would reach out to him from beyond and let him see, in some vivid clairvoyant fashion, exactly what death was like

'One day Uncle Elias got a letter from Pondicherry in India

It was the day she saw a nurse killing flies.

The day after this, Commissaire Charas came to see me.

but I hope to some day.'

'The day that Papa went away

She was allowed to go into the garden during certain hours of the day, and had been given a little square where she could grow flowers

Dandelo was a small white cat who had come into our garden one day and remained with us

And then one day Andre put Miquette, our dog, into his 'transmitter'

I will never forget that day-long hunt for a fly

I examined all the many flies we caught that day, but none had anything like a white head

The next day I telephoned Commissaire Charas to invite him to dinner

One day he is at a street market near the Colosseum

Every day, he plays his guitar on the street.

A day later, Gina is in Rome.

'He got angry with Colonel Protheroe the other day,' said Miss Marple

'Gone up to London for the day.'

'And the day before?'

I had a tea party the day before yesterday

'Because only the day before the crime he said that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.'

I wanted to talk to you the other day

That's two strange telephone calls in one day, and I bet they were made by the same person.'

The last time she had seen it was on the day of the murder at lunchtime when she left.

Do you know last Thursday - the day of the murder - I had been to a meeting in London

"I left it here the other day."

'Thursday,' I said, 'was the day of the murder

The day after the murder, I had found broken bushes beside the path

'A tazza sold the other day for over a thousand pounds.'

'On which day?'

Miss Wetherby gave a little cry 'The day of the murder, of course!'

Mrs Price Ridley said very slowly, 'She heard a sneeze on the day of the murder at a time when there was no one in your house

Your servant should water this plant every day

Then suddenly, just as I was leaving Mr Clement's study, I noticed the plant in the pot by the window - and - well, there it was! Clear as day!'

It said that Griselda had been seen leaving Lawrence Redding's cottage at twenty past six on the day of the murder

'Some day, I hope, you will be happy

Mars is getting colder, as one day our planet must too

Its physical condition is still largely a mystery, but we know that even in the middle of the day, in its warmest areas, the temperature is lower than during our coldest winter

However, the next day there was no report in the newspapers except one small note in the Daily Telegraph, and the world knew nothing of one of the greatest dangers that ever threatened Earth.

Several officers had been on the common earlier in the day and one was reported to be missing

Saturday lives in my memory as a day of worry

It was a lazy, hot day too

I got back to lunch at about two, very tired because, as I have said, the day was extremely hot and dull

During that day the Martians did not show themselves

I had been very excited all day and I was not sorry that I had to return to Maybury

The night was unexpectedly dark, and it was as hot and airless as the day

For a day and a half he stayed up there, tired, hungry and burnt by the sun before it was safe to come down

For the second time that day the girl showed her courage

They seemed in no hurry, and did not go beyond the central part of London all that day

That day the refugees began to realize how much they needed food

We stayed there all Sunday night and all the next day - the day of the panic - in a little island of daylight, cut off by the Black Smoke from the rest of the world

We were surrounded by the Black Smoke all that day and the following morning

We saw nothing of them the next day

Towards the end of the day I found that I was very hungry

But afterwards, during the second day, I was able to consider our position clearly

On the third day, if I remember correctly, I saw a boy killed

After that I avoided the hole in the wall for most of a day.

On the sixth day of our imprisonment I looked out for the last time, and I soon found myself alone

I would not let him eat any more that day

All day and all night we sat face to face

The tentacle did not come into the hall again, but I lay all the tenth day in the darkness, too frightened even to move for a drink

On that day and the next I had no food and nothing to drink.

On the twelfth day my thirst was so bad that I went into the kitchen and used the noisy rainwater pump that stood by the sink

On the thirteenth day I drank some more water, and thought of impossible plans of escape

Then, early on the fifteenth day, I heard the sound of a dog outside

After my time in the darkness, the day seemed very bright, the sky was shining blue

I lay for the rest of the day in a garden, too exhausted to go on.

For the first time I began to think that there was some distance between his dreams and his powers, because I could dig a hole like this in a day

Death had not come a day too soon

That same day the healing would begin

I remember, clearly and in great detail, all that I did that day until the time when I stood crying on the top of Primrose Hill

I remember how bright that day seemed as I went sadly back to the little house in Woking - how busy the streets were, and how full of life

And it is strange, too, to stand on Primrose Hill, as I did only a day before writing this last chapter

I heard the noise of playing children and remembered the deep silence of the dawn of that last great day...

Sherlock Holmes did not like aimless physical exercise, but one spring day I persuaded him to go for a walk with me in the park

'The next day I had to go to the City, but I was so worried about my wife that I returned early to Norbury at about one o'clock

"I promise that I will tell you everything some day, but if you enter now, you will cause great sadness." Then she held me tightly, and I tried to push her off.

'After that everything went well, but one day I returned home early

That night she is not able to convince her blackmailers to leave her alone, so she returns ihe next day

One day, I had a little health problem

We'll be so tired at the end of the day, that we'll sleep well.'

There are only twenty-four hours in the day, and you sleep most of that time

One day, Uncle Podger bought a picture

After a day or two, everything will smell of cheese.

The next day we bought everything we needed

It was a beautiful, sunny day

Harris said, 'George! Why can't George be here to do some work? Why doesn't he help us with this heavy boat? What does he do at the bank? He sits behind a piece of glass all day and does nothing

'I had a bad day at the bank,' George said.

Harris, who is a little cruel, said, 'Now you're going to have a bad day on the river

Harris stood up and said, 'Be thankful for a bit of excitement in your lives! Your lives must be so boring, just sitting and fishing all day

He was silent all day long.

To this day, if you say the word 'Cats!' to Montmorency, he'll stop walking

Some people sit and fish there all day

He had eleven dog fights on the first day and fourteen on the second day

We left Oxford on the third day, to return home to London

It rained all day

Our second rainy day was the same as the first

It rained all day

She just wishes she could sleep deep and only wake up on the day of her first car ride to work.

After all, she was sure to hear it one day.'

oh,' she said, pleased for the first time since this awful day had begun.

'Since every other girl she knows has ruined herself and made money out of it, why shouldn't she? Her friends don't earn any more than she does, but every day they wear new dresses, shoes, and so on, to work

'Dow-dah-dee-day! How's my dear young man today? Grow up fast and come to take care of Auntie Mercy.'

The days and weeks at Limmeridge House passed so quickly! What a happy time that was! I spent every day in the company of two excellent ladies

One day, when I had been at Limmeridge for three months, Miss Halcombe asked me to walk with her in the garden

The next day, I returned to London

On my last day at Limmeridge House, I talked to Miss Fairlie, explaining the details of her father's will

The next day, it was returned to me

The next day I received his reply:

The man was too lazy to look after the interests of his own niece! I went to Limmeridge the next day and told him that no one should sign a marriage settlement like this - it gave the husband a large financial interest in the death of his wife! But Mr Fairlie did not want to listen

I tried to be a good wife, but Percival was so cruel! One day in Rome, a lady called Mrs Markland came to visit us

I remembered my conversation with Walter that day in the garden with horror

One day, Sir Percival called me into his study and said, 'I plan to leave Blackwater Park

The next day, when the Count returned from the lake, I heard Sir Percival ask him, 'Did you find her?' The Count did not reply but he smiled

The next day was my day off

The journey from here to Cumberland is too long to do in one day.'

The day she arrived, she became very ill

The next day she died

The next day I went to Mrs Catherick's house in the village by Blackwater Park

Every day, he copied down the births, marriages and deaths recorded that day

At the inquest the next day, the parish clerk said that the key to the vestry had gone missing just before the fire

The next day he came to my house to say that he had changed his mind

The next day we told Laura that her husband was dead and that her marriage, the greatest error of her life, was over.

One day I spoke to Marian

'You know that I've loved Laura since the day we met

One day she'll come back to the lake, but this time I'll be there!'

On my third day by the lake, I met Anne

I told her to meet me in the village the next day

Her anxiety caused her to become very ill indeed, and the next day she died

The next day, we went to Limmeridge House

On 1st December 1955, after a long day's work at the shop, Rosa Parks got on the bus to go home

On this day in December, the bus began to fill with white people

I thank God that I am living it." She fought for that day for more than ten years.

These waves are also about the sexism that happens to women every day

The project shows that sexism happens to women every day in many ways.

They are often paid less, and sexism and sexual harassment at work are a problem every day

Jacinda Ardern has said, "I hope that one day this will not be interesting anymore." She wants it to be normal for women to be in politics and to be mothers.

At the end of that day, there were movements in many languages, like Arabic, Farsi, French, Hindi and Spanish

Today, women in many different countries are using MeToo every day to tell people about the assault and harassment they get

The next day is warm and sunny

"Today is an important day

The next day everyone talks about the magistrate's punishment