How to use "days" in a sentence


In the first days, the second voice always came

But I didn't tell anyone exactly where I was going, so it will take the police days to find me

I describe all that has happened in the last two days

For the first time in two days, I need to urinate

That's two whole days with no sleep and very little water

As morning comes on the fifth day, I feel sure I can still last a few more days

By 6.00 pm, I have taken off more of the boulder in three hours than I did in four days

Two days without water

I was trapped by a boulder in the canyon for five days

After ten days in hospital, I went home

Four days later, I climbed Mount Moran in Wyoming with eight of my friends.

On October the 25th - two days before my twenty-eighth birthday - I returned to Blue John Canyon

This ship goes above water every two days to fill it with clean air

We had to wait six days for the water to rise before the ship could leave

We travelled in the Indian Ocean for ten days

I did not see Captain Nemo for some days after the man's death

I didn't see him for several days

Three days later, the man in the car came and got me out of school

And that was all of our conversation for several days.

Two days later, I went back to the fish market and talked to a man who was selling shrimps.

'He's a friend of mine from home, and he's going to stay with us for a few days.'

Two days later we were on our way to Los Angeles, to a big chess tournament.

Two days later, Sue and I got the bus to Bayou La Batre, where Bubba's parents lived, and I explained to Bubba's daddy about the shrimp business that Bubba and I planned to start after we came out of the army

And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.

These dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men.

We face the arduous days that lie before us in the warm courage of national unity; with the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious moral values; with the clean satisfaction that comes from the stern performance of duty by old and young alike

May He guide me in the days to come.

All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days

Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet

Two days later I was sitting in my office as usual

Polly Nichols died just a few days after her forty-third birthday

However, two days before, somebody sent a letter to the police, which was never published

They let me out four days ago

An unmarried woman with a child was a terrible thing in those days, and Fantine lost her job

'But give me three days, please

Three days to fetch this unfortunate woman's child

'Three days to escape, you mean.'

Two days after his arrest, Jean Valjean escaped from prison

The December days passed in great happiness for Cosette and for Jean Valjean, too

For the next few days he passed the bench in the Gardens without looking at her

But my eldest daughter will tell you that my wife is sick and none of us have had any food for four days

We haven't eaten for three days..

'That's enough food for two days

Valjean had gone away on business for a couple of days, and Cosette was in the downstairs sitting room, playing the piano.

Then one morning, a few days later, Cosette noticed a large stone lying on the garden bench

Over the next few days, his visits began to be interrupted by servants calling Cosette to dinner

The wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it been more than three days since he had eaten

"Yes, Father, I need somewhere to hide for a few days, a week maybe

That was two days ago."

I need to wait for a few days until they think I'm miles from the city

I can let you sleep here for a few days, and I can bring you some food."

And for the first time in two days, Barry Brennan feels relief

He needs to find another route and a motel to stay in for a few days: a cheap motel where they only want a name and some cash.

Her back was often painful from when she'd been injured during the Oil Wars, so she almost never left the apartment these days.

Gran was always talking about the days when she and Sala's grandfather used to travel to distant lands, climb mountains, and go swimming in the ocean

They only attended one day a week; on the other days, they studied virtually, on the ultranet

I've been so busy at work the last few days, I feel I've not been home much at all."

A few days had passed since Sala's decision, and she was feeling happy about it

After that, you'll have two days of tests, to check that your body is behaving normally under pod conditions."

With just two days to go before Pod Life began, Sala woke up feeling depressed

"Another secret! You're full of them these days

The first few days without Cham were horrible

Cham's test days had arrived at last, and Sala had joined Dani, Tian, and Cham's two sisters at the pod center for their first Contact Hour with him

Mrs Van Hopper had been in bed for about ten days

Two days later, everything had changed

Everything can be arranged in a few days.'

He tells me that he wants to marry you in a few days

'I went into that cottage in the bay a few days ago,' I said

'I found out the truth five days after we were married

Time should have put even more distance between her and the anguish, but instead the passing days were bringing her around full circle in her grief

Tomorrow was one of the most important days of her life: December 30

She took time off to carry and give birth to Danny, then to spend uninterrupted days with him during his first few months of life

This year had passed in a blur of twelve- and fourteen-hour days, with no vacations and rarely a weekend off.

She needed only to ride out the next few days, and in the relative calm that would follow, she might be able to get on with healing herself.

She'd be able to relax and take a few days off

Maybe not for a few days.

Fighting with Michael, coping with the shock of separation and divorce, grieving for Danny, and putting together the show with Joel Bandiri had filled her days and nights, so she'd had no chance to think of romance.

The car was immaculate, in better shape than most new cars these days

Nickel duchesses always played the cheap slot machines - nickels and dimes in the old days, now quarters - never the dollar- or five-dollar slots

Even these days, when most machines could be played with electronically validated value cards, the nickel duchesses wore black gloves to keep their hands from becoming filthy after hours of handling coins and pulling levers; they always sat on stools while they played, and they remembered to alternate hands when operating the machines in order not to strain the muscles of one arm, and they carried bottles of liniment just in case.

When the excitement wears off a little, they go to check out of the hotel, and they discover their three-day weekend somehow turned into five days

They've been through a time warp and lost a couple of days

"I've been thinking about it the past few days

These last few days, as your show's been getting ready to open, I've had the feeling you might finally realize you need something more in life, something a lot more emotionally satisfying than whatever it is you can get out of just producing stage shows."

Maybe a large family isn't such a wise idea these days, what with the economy in trouble and all the turmoil in the world

"I'm not feeling unfulfilled these days," she said

You could have taken him down to Disneyland for a couple days

"During the year, I'm going to send special invitations to the married ones, asking them to spend their anniversaries here, with everything comped for three days

From there they were going to hike for three days with snowshoes and backpacks, making a wide circle around the bus, coming back to it at the end of the week.

I still work at that a couple of days a week because it's a good way to keep in shape

Although winter days in the desert were often as warm as springtime elsewhere, winter nights were always cool, sometimes downright bitter

"Yet it's only been two days."

This was perfect weather for flying, one of those crystalline days when being above the earth would make him feel clean and free.

On hot summer days, these barren, sandy slopes seemed godforsaken, and they would not be made lush and green for another ten years at least

On windy days, the dust was as thick as fog, and it pushed its dirty little cat feet under doors, around windows, and through attic vents.

In the process of trying to hurt his ex-wife, he'd waste several days of the court's time, and the end result would be exactly the same as if he'd never been given a chance to protest."

The conversations were like those in which he was involved at work, eight or ten hours a day, five days a week and he didn't intend to spend a holiday nattering about the same damned things.

They're all Ivy Leaguers these days, polished, educated

These days, you're crazy if you open your door without knowing exactly who's on the other side of it."

Vince would survive, although he might need hospitalization, and he wouldn't be able to swallow without pain for days to come.

In those days, the corpse was not embalmed; therefore, the boy was buried while still alive

Furthermore, this was not the mid-nineteenth century; these days, doctors could detect even the vaguest heartbeat, the shallowest respiration, the dimmest traces of brain-wave activity.

As Elliot drove away from the burning house, his instinctual sense of danger was as sensitive as it had been in his military days

In those days, it had been easy to play the hunter

"The good old days of spies and counterspies? Sorry, but no, I don't long for that at all

"These days, everyone's phone seems to be tapped

I think it would be wise for us to stay up there for a couple of days, even after we've talked to Bellicosti, until we can figure a way out of this mess

They might track us when we use the cards, but not for a couple of days."

Nearly everyone was engaged in animated conversations, couples and cozy groups of friends, enjoying themselves, looking forward to the remaining three days of the four-day holiday.

If he's aged as well as he seems to have done, then he might even be sharper these days."

These days cream seldom rose in the intelligence community - but crap still floated.

But the last few days it's gotten completely out of hand

The Department of Defense, which was less flush than Health and Welfare these days, was nevertheless also guilty of waste, and it was good for at least another billion a year

"Will you be needing the Explorer in the next couple of days?" Elliot asked.

The second was my script of another book which, in a fit of frustration at this entire process, I wrote in three days after the assigned writer's final - and umpteenth - draft was deemed inadequate

'Three days later my poor father went to visit an old friend who lived some miles away

'And why didn't you come to me immediately? Your enemies have had almost two days to make a plan

Then he sent some pips from Scotland and arrived three days later to kill John's father

After a few days in prison, Helene had been moved to a nearby asylum for the criminally insane

A few days later, Andre had a new problem which made him fussy and bad-tempered for several weeks

Two days later, Natalie takes the hat to a store

Three days later, Anna buys the hat.

'I'm going up to London for two days, to see my mother, and my lawyers

I did not know it, but that was the last proper dinner I would eat for many strange and terrible days.

She had been growing increasingly upset and depressed during the two days' journey

We could only wait and be bored during those two days.

I divided the food in the cupboard into separate amounts to last us ten days

Through the eighth and ninth days his voice grew louder

I did not enter the kitchen again for two days

At that moment, I felt the beginning of something that soon grew quite clear in my mind, that worried me for many days

But - it's only been sixteen days and your hair is grey.' He looked over his shoulder suddenly

These green stars - I've seen none for five or six days, but I've no doubt they're falling somewhere every night

They had been dead for many days, so I hurried quickly past them

I know nothing of the next three days

All the ships in the world seemed to be coming to London in those days

For three days I walked aimlessly, a madman

Two days after I was imprisoned it had been destroyed, with every person in it, by a Martian

I stayed with them for four days after my recovery

The city we went through was dirty with the powder of the Black Smoke, despite two days of thunderstorms and rain.

'No one has been here for ten days

Medical science was not advanced in those days

We thought about the happy days of childhood when there was lots of mustard on the table

We stayed at Streatley for two days

In the days of the Roman Empire, the Romans camped here and built fortifications

We finally arrived at Oxford and spent two excellent days there

He got very ill and died ten days later.

'It's only two more days,' Harris said

After ten days of eating cold meat, we were thankful for this supper

Mercy has not been seen for many days

The days and weeks at Limmeridge House passed so quickly! What a happy time that was! I spent every day in the company of two excellent ladies

Two days later, Miss Halcombe received a reply:

I arrived here a few days ago

The Count spent his days by the lake (I have no idea why)

I spent my days drawing and selling my work at nearby shops

Ten days later, we were even happier: we were married.

She wrote about the last days before her school closed

In those days, there was a line on the floor of the bus

They are also going into "men's" jobs - these days there are women pilots, judges and astronauts!

Since those days, a lot of female scientists have won the Nobel Prize - women like Barbara McClintock, Rita Levi-Montalcini and Gertrude B

I must go away for a few days.

They must hide for a few days."

Zorro says, "Can Lolita stay here with you for a few days? She is in danger."