How to use "wedding" in a sentence


On August the 31st, four months after the accident, I spoke at Sonja's wedding

The wedding was arranged for February the following year

Gillenormand after the wedding.

Apart from preparing for his wedding, there were two people that he wanted to find

Cosette and Marius made a handsome couple on their wedding day

Gillenormand's house for the wedding feast

We'll have a quiet wedding

I don't want her to come to the wedding.'

Beatrice, Maxim's sister, had promised to give me a wedding present

'It was a wedding present

I have broken one of their wedding presents.

'Yes, of course,' said a man, 'we all missed your wedding

During the twelve years of their marriage, Tina had become a different and more complex person than she'd been on their wedding day, but Michael hadn't changed at all - and didn't like the woman that she had become

A lot of our regular junketeers and high rollers couldn't make it to the VIP opening of Magyck! I'd like you to get their names from the computer, plus a list of the wedding anniversaries of those who're married."

The names and addresses of VIP customers who had missed the opening of Magyck! - Along with the wedding anniversaries of those who were married - began to appear on the screen, scrolling upward

'Wasn't there a picture in The Crystal over the weekend of his daughter's wedding? And another one of him with his wife and children and grandchildren?' said James.

The date of the wedding is the twenty-second of December of this year