How to use "deeply" in a sentence


It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I was deeply ashamed of my previous distrust of him.

Two months later, Marius was deeply unhappy

She had never read anything like this before, and it affected her deeply.

He then turned slowly to the old man, bowed deeply and said, 'Four years ago you insulted my father

He looked out over the city and seemed to be thinking deeply

His dark eyes were deeply set, quick, marked by intelligence and amusement.

She was shocked by his reaction, then confused, and at last deeply saddened

She stared deeply into his eyes

He kissed her ears, her eyes again, and left a chain of kisses along her neck, and when at last he returned to her mouth, he kissed her more deeply than before, and she responded at once, opening her mouth to him.

He was deeply involved in that world for thirty years

I can't see what else would have brought an organization like Vince's so deeply into this

Damn it, I can't," he said, sounding like a priest whose faith had been deeply shaken

The fine spray, propelled with tremendous pressure, caught him squarely in the face, across the nose and lips, penetrating swiftly and deeply into the nostrils

He didn't have any choice but to commit the installation to it once we found out the damn Chinese were deeply into it

The child still clung to her, but his deeply sunken eyes were riveted on Dombey.