How to use "growing" in a sentence


This terrible, growing thirst will drive me crazy.

At first when I was growing up, I played with everybody

It can be helped by preventing realistically the tragedy of the growing loss through foreclosure of our small homes and our farms

Outside, it was growing dark and a cold wind was blowing from the mountains in the east

His desire for the girl was growing daily, and he dreamt of her every night

Outside it had stopped snowing, and a full moon was growing steadily brighter above the mist

Putting them in his jacket pocket, he went out and continued to wander aimlessly around the streets, noticing only occasionally the strange atmosphere of excitement that was growing in the town

The barricades were finished in less than an hour and, with the sound of drums in the city growing louder, Enjolras brought a table out into the street and sat down with his friends for a drink.

The only thing he was sure of was that the light through the grilles far above his head was growing weaker, which meant that the sun was setting

Sala and her friend Niki pushed past the people who had gathered in the rain outside the meat-growing laboratory

"No, he's helping fix the equipment at the meat-growing laboratory, actually, and getting reasonable money for it

Her mom was a food scientist in the meat-growing laboratory, developing different kinds of meat from just a few animal cells

Or she would suddenly tell them all one of her memories: of growing up with Eston or their suffering during the Oil Wars.

They took the street that led toward the meat-growing laboratory

Sala drank some of the hot, fruity tea, and felt her idea growing stronger

I felt I was growing up a little more every day

The room was growing colder by the second.

Indeed the feeling of invisible and dangerous companionship was growing stronger as the room grew colder.

Initially his growing fascination with the macabre had not seemed entirely healthy to her, but she had never denied him the freedom to pursue it

The air inside the car was bitterly cold and growing colder by the second.

"The brain doesn't all of a sudden start growing new little nodes that nobody's ever seen before."

And looking across space, with instruments and minds more powerful than we can dream of, they see, at a distance of only 56,000,000 kilometres, a morning star of hope - our own warmer planet with its green land and grey seas, its cloudy atmosphere and its growing population.

I told Ogilvy, and he took my place and watched the cloud of gas growing as it rose from the surface of the planet

The growing crowd, he said, was now becoming a serious problem, especially the boys

The river was rough around me and quickly growing hotter.

At about five o'clock the growing crowd in the station was greatly excited by the opening of the line between the South-Eastern and South-Western stations, which is usually closed

Then he crossed the room and began to dress, running with each piece of clothing to the window in order to miss nothing of the growing excitement

And in the sky above them, the dawn was growing brighter - clear and calm.

And as time passed and the engine drivers and firemen refused to return to London, the people turned in growing crowds away from the stations and onto the roads running north

People there were standing on the pavement, looking in surprise at the growing crowds of refugees

She had been growing increasingly upset and depressed during the two days' journey

A young Martian, we now know, was born on Earth during the war, and it was found growing out of the body of its parent, just like some young plants.

All that time I felt a growing need to look again at whatever remained of the little life that had seemed so happy and bright in my past