How to use "development" in a sentence


All I know is that during the fourteen or sixteen - or seven thousand - months that we worked together, through countless story meetings in the development executive's office, I was never sure that any of my writing confreres had read the complete novel that he or she was adapting - or understood what had been read

As relationships go with screenwriters in a development process, this was basically a fine experience

By this time, we had passed the one-year mark in the development process, and I knew we were not going to wind up with a usable script, so I didn't insist on discussing whether the rubber tires would melt off the vehicle within two hundred yards or three, or ponder at what point the gasoline tank might explode

I had spent more time in useless development meetings than I had required to write both of those screenplays.

The development executive in charge of the project is no longer in the business