How to use "device" in a sentence


In reality, however, all he does is press 'play' on the recording device and write down a few notes about when the judge enters, when the prosecution or defence speaks, or what the final verdict is

Nick does too, and he remembers to press the button on the device

He stands and is about to press the button on the recording device when he sees the red light flashing.

"Stop!" Nick shouts, and he hands the recording device to the court clerk

As Bruckster pocketed the miniature aerosol device, he said, "We have a sick man here."

They used an electronic scrambling device, so they could speak candidly, and the old man was furious and characteristically blunt.

Although The Eyes of Darkness does not have the intensity, the humor, the depth of characterization, the complexity of theme, or the pace of later novels, readers have responded positively to it over the years, most likely because the device of a lost child - and the dedicated mother who will do anything to find out what happened to her little boy - strikes a primal chord in all of us.