How to use "doll" in a sentence


But the object that most attracted Cosette's attention was a large, golden-haired doll in a beautiful long pink dress

All the children in Montfermeil had gazed with wonder at this doll, but nobody in the village had enough money to buy it.

Cosette gazed at the doll for several minutes but, remembering her job, she sighed and continued on her way

After hugging and kissing their mother, they sat on the floor by the fire and played with a doll

They left the doll on the floor and went off to play with a baby cat

Cosette, checking that no one was watching, reached out and picked up the doll

The two girls, when they saw Cosette with their doll, ran crying to their mother

Mme Thenardier rushed across the room towards Cosette who, afraid that she would be punished, put the doll gently on the floor and began to cry.

'That nasty little girl, who isn't even my own daughter, who I feed and look after out of the kindness of my heart, has been playing with my daughters' doll.'

The old man left the inn and, minutes later, returned with something in his hands: the beautiful doll from the stall across the road.

'He dresses so poorly but can afford to buy the most expensive doll in Montfermeil!'

And, because she was carrying an expensive doll and was no longer wearing rags, not many recognized Cosette.

She hugged her doll and asked Valjean hundreds of questions

Valjean gave Cosette lessons in reading and writing, and spent hours watching her as she dressed and undressed her doll

He went back upstairs for Cosette, who was waiting for him patiently, holding her doll.

He was a rag doll with only meager scraps of stuffing, a fragile and timorous creature, nothing whatsoever like the happy, vibrant, active boy that he had once been