How to use "district" in a sentence


As soon as the fighting started, Enjolras and several of his friends started to build a barricade outside the Corinth wine shop in the rue de la Chanvrerie, a small street surrounded by dark alleys in the market district of Paris

Half an hour later he left the house, dressed in his National Guard uniform, with a loaded gun and a pocket full of gunpowder, and made his way towards the market district of Paris.

Before long, they passed through a district that Sala had never visited before

Closer, closer to the strange district..

All over the district people were eating dinner

But there was almost nothing to tell people until the government announced that the people of Walton and Weybridge, and all chat district, were pouring along the roads towards London.

Many field-guns, the report said, had been hidden around the country near Horsell Common, and especially between the Woking district and London

'Ulla, ulla, ulla,' cried the voice, coming, it seemed to me, from the district around Regent's Park