How to use "does" in a sentence


"What does that mean, Captain?"

"What does it matter? A man will die

I know more than she does.' Then she thought, 'Do I know more? Let me see

'When I eat or drink something here, it always does

And she thought, 'Why does it get angry all the time?'

The Queen likes saying it, but she never does it.'

'Nothing does in this place!' he said

Again, if the United States be not a government proper, but an association of States in the nature of contract merely, can it, as a contract, be peaceably unmade by less than all the parties who made it? One party to a contract may violate it - break it, so to speak; but does it not require all to lawfully rescind it?

Shall fugitives from labor be surrendered by national or State authority? The Constitution does not expressly say

May Congress prohibit slavery in the Territories? The Constitution does not expressly say

MUST Congress protect slavery in the Territories? The Constitution does not expressly say.

Whoever rejects it does, of necessity, fly to anarchy or to despotism

I don't claim any constitutionality for a rebellion successful or otherwise, so long as that rebellion means in the ordinary sense of the term, what it does mean, namely, wresting justice by violent means

I ask further, is it unconstitutional for me to say to the British Government "I refuse to serve you"? Is it unconstitutional for our worthy Chairman to return with every respect all the titles that he has ever held from the Government? Is it unconstitutional for any parent to withdraw his children from a Government or aided school? Is it unconstitutional for a lawyer to say "I shall no longer support the arm of the law so long as that arm of law is used not to raise me but to debase me"? Is it unconstitutional for a civil servant or for a judge to say, "I refuse to serve a Government which does not wish to respect the wishes of the whole people"?

In the field of world policy, I would dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neighbor: the neighbor who resolutely respects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others; the neighbor who respects his obligations and respects the sanctity of his agreements in and with a world of neighbors.

But that does not mean they are murderers.

'What does her father do?'

But now we're both going to die, it doesn't matter, does it? I can't be jealous any more

I expect him to have dark eyes and dirty hair, but he does not

Beethoven fills the silence again, and I look at Robin and see that there is sweat on his face too, but Hastings does not move.

The idiot does not speak English, Oliver thinks

He then gives him another long, hard look, but Oliver does not care.

But Sylvia does not seem to hear and instead looks out at the dark loch.

For a second he does not know where he is

And she has deep-green eyes that at the moment are tired and nervous and show something which he does not completely recognise.

"What does he want?"

"In Leeds? Then where does this man follow you from?"

"Dangerous, yes," but she does not say anything else, and Branwell continues.

She looks over her shoulder again quickly and automatically as if she does it a hundred times a day

Branwell does not sit

He does not feel any sympathy for her

No, Big Jones does not just kill you

"He sure does

He does not believe the brothers, not for a moment

He thinks he sees a dark shape, but he does not shoot

And Gerry remembers the old factory on the Thames and the boxes with the different addresses and the story about what Big Jones does when people steal from him

The man does not use the camera and does not look at the map

In fact, the man does nothing at all

So he moves into the crowds like Nick does

And for a moment he does not understand.

And then he realises that he does know.

She does not need to hear any of your horrible stories or strange ideas."

In reality, however, all he does is press 'play' on the recording device and write down a few notes about when the judge enters, when the prosecution or defence speaks, or what the final verdict is

But only sometimes, because the defendant and the rest of her family, the Lee family, are wild, and he does not want to make her, or them, angry

They have a terrible reputation in Bristol, and there is not one of them that does not scare Nick.

Nick does too, and he remembers to press the button on the device

The words she said were 'I will kill him,' but the defendant says she does not remember that

For a second he does not know what to say, but he knows what to do, and he pulls his hand away and moves to the door

But it is too late, and he does move...

As he does not want them to see his face, he pulls open the left door to the box and enters.

But he does.

"But does it matter that you're not my priest? Can you still listen?"

"Jesus!" he says, and he does not feel tired anymore

The cop nods but does not take them

For a moment he does nothing

But in the reflection of the red paint he sees the cop raise his hand, and in the soft evening light he sees the knife, and for a moment he does not understand.

He wants to turn to look back to see if the man is following him, but he does not dare

What does Sally say?" Brandon shook his head

What time is it now? He does not know

West nods but does not say anything

The headmaster, Mr Bowen, does not exactly look happy, but he looks content

"Yes." Bowen stands by the large windows and does not look at them

"Show them out Miss White." And the headmaster does not look at them again.

"Who does he think he is? Just because he plays golf with the chief inspector

But there is something that does not make sense

Junior does not like sports, he does not run, and the last time he came to the forest with Owen, he said that he was too cold and that the forest was boring.

But Owen does not like to think about that too much

And Owen realises that the boy does not understand what poaching is.

It doesn't have to be every weekend if Junior does not want to, but occasionally

And for a while they walk, and he is happy about how carefully Junior holds the gun and how he listens and does exactly what he should

He thinks there is someone or something moving, and it is big: bigger than a rabbit or a hare, but he does not think it can be a person

But before he can do this, Junior, who does not know what is making the noise, remembers his dad's words:

But he does not remember the other words...

Jimmy Lane does not stand

Hank Wynn does not stop to watch what happens next

He never does

But then he slowly says something as if he does not himself believe what he is saying

She cannot see his face because he has the hood of his sports jacket up, but he seems to be asleep, and there is something about his face that she does not like

The old woman two seats away from her does not look happy and she moves to sit in the seat next to Sarah.

But she does not want to listen, and she takes her MP3 player from her bag and puts her headphones in.

She does not want to think about their conversation or the horrible reason why the tube is so quiet

She does not want to think about the stories in the newspapers

She does not want to think about what the police are calling the tube murders

Why? What is it? What does it mean?"

We're opposed to the government controlling everyone the way it does."

"I'm not sure he'll agree to leave the pod anyway, but if he does, they might still want him to stay

Cham doesn't know much about the rebellion, does he?" she said

'Important? Why does she think that I'm important?' de Winter asked.

She still does.'

'Why does he want to go that way?' I asked.

'It does seem a good idea.'

'What does it matter? They are interested in us, that's all.'

What does Mr de Winter think?'

'What does it matter?' I said.

'Yes, it does.'

'What does all this matter?' said Favell

'Where does the doctor live now?'

He does not like Bud.

Nathan does not see The Cat

She does not see it, but Nathan does.

The bag does not hit Natalie, but it hits Nathan.

When he does finally stand up, he moves too fast

And when all of a sudden someone does hit it big, especially on a slot machine where it can happen in a flash, they're so surprised they pass out

"So where does that leave us?"

Even if he does somehow get a whiff of it, he'll have to locate another judge who'll be willing to stay or vacate the exhumation order."

What reason does she have to doubt the official story of her son's death?

"Oh, I'm damn sure he does

"Get to the rental car before he does

Elliot said, "Why does it get cold every time he uses his..

"But does that make it any more acceptable?"

And if it does exist, they might not be holding him there anyway."

And foolhardy as that might be, it does a lot for a person's self-respect."

It does look like the road to Dracula's castle."

Although The Eyes of Darkness does not have the intensity, the humor, the depth of characterization, the complexity of theme, or the pace of later novels, readers have responded positively to it over the years, most likely because the device of a lost child - and the dedicated mother who will do anything to find out what happened to her little boy - strikes a primal chord in all of us.

"What does this mean, John?" he asked

'It does show he is truly sorry, I suppose,' I said.

'But, Mr Clement, it does not seem to me that the facts fit your argument

When does she say she shot him?'

As soon as I went in, Melchett said, 'Inspector Slack does not believe that Redding is innocent.'

'And what does the murder of Colonel Protheroe remind you of?'

Nobody does

'It doesn't sound like me, does it?' said Anne.

But what does he want to come and see me for? I don't like it! I never suggested that he was guilty

'I'm not sure that "looks after" are the right words for anything that Mary does,' I said

'What does it mean? he said

What does it all mean? The Martians can't get out of their pit, can they?'

'My God!' he cried, 'what does this mean?'

He tells everyone what to do, and he does nothing.

Harris said, 'George! Why can't George be here to do some work? Why doesn't he help us with this heavy boat? What does he do at the bank? He sits behind a piece of glass all day and does nothing

'Perhaps, I mean, perhaps that really doesn't matter, does it? But they say he has so many wives and girlfriends.'

He never does anything about them

'Since every other girl she knows has ruined herself and made money out of it, why shouldn't she? Her friends don't earn any more than she does, but every day they wear new dresses, shoes, and so on, to work

His manner, towards Laura has changed: he does not look at her with tender interest anymore.

'What does she look like?' asked the Count

The Count has no weak point that we know of, but Sir Percival does.'

He then told me what he had done to the register and he explained what the law does to people who commit that crime

It does not matter what gender or race you are, or how rich you are - you have the same rights

One of Solomon Bandaranaike's cousins asked, "What does she know about politics?"

In countries where women do well, she said, everyone does well.

But the Governor does not like Don Carlos