How to use "electronic" in a sentence


She looks at the electronic clock.

A burst of high-pitched electronic noise blared through the house: Aiii-eee..

Vivienne winced as the shrill electronic squeal grew louder, a piercing oscillation

The electronic squeal began to warble faster, but it was no quieter, no less bone penetrating than it had been.

The maddening electronic squeal issued from a pair of small stereo speakers that hung on the wall behind the bed

For a few seconds the silence was split by an electronic squeal as sharp as an ax blade

With a sharp, loud, electronic snap that startled Tina, the computer abruptly began to churn out additional data, although she hadn't requested any

Willis Bruckster studied his keno ticket, carefully comparing it to the winning numbers beginning to flash onto the electronic board that hung from the casino ceiling

He compared it once more with the numbers on the electronic board, as if he were praying that he had made a mistake the first time.

They used an electronic scrambling device, so they could speak candidly, and the old man was furious and characteristically blunt.

It was ringed by ordinary medical equipment as well as by several mysterious electronic monitors.