How to use "doubt" in a sentence


For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt, can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.

But there was no doubt that this was Cosette's handwriting

He was, without doubt, a bad man, but Marius had promised his father to find him and help him

"Good Lord, you should leave now before the police get here, and maybe you can still escape," he laughs again, "but I doubt it."

Gradually doubt crept over her

"I don't doubt you

I mean, there isn't any doubt about the cause of death, no court trial hinging on a new coroner's report

"I doubt it

The boy had been battered, burned, frozen, horribly mutilated in the crash, dead beyond any shadow of a doubt

Kennebeck's bosses want to stop us before we sow any seeds of doubt about the official explanation

The only thing in doubt is how he died."

What reason does she have to doubt the official story of her son's death?

If they hadn't seen their kids' bodies, they might have just gone through a year of doubt like you did, might be easily persuaded to join us in a call for the reopening of all the graves

Christina Evans probably hadn't entertained a single doubt about the official explanation of the Sierra accident; she probably hadn't known a damned thing about Pandora when she had requested an exhumation, but her timing couldn't have been worse.

I've no doubt about that

There's no doubt about that

Risky as it might be to express doubt to any colleague on the project, Dombey could not control himself: "Clean? This whole thing was never clean

He knew then, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that he loved her.

I was so young and naive, I assumed "network-approved writers" meant that each of these writers would be among the finest in the TV business, on the planet, in the universe, the elite of the elite, the crS232; me de la crS232; me, superexcellent wordsmiths incapable of spinning any story that wasn't the top, the ower of Pisa, the Mona Lisa, the Louvre Museum, the Colosseum! Network-approved writers! I was in the lap of God, in the hands of ministering angels, and there could be no doubt whatsoever that we would have a hit with Help, My Feet Are Stuck to the Floor in Dean Koontz's Theater or whatever it would be called.

But there was no possible doubt because the fingerprints of his left hand were the same as those found all over his laboratory and up at the house.

'My dear Commissaire, how can there be any doubt?'

I had no doubt that Andre would kill himself unless I could make him change his mind

'Without a doubt,' he said

When it was burning, he said, 'I think it proves beyond all doubt that Madame Delambre was quite insane.'

If, on that Friday night, you had drawn a circle at a distance of five kilometres from Horsell Common, I doubt if there would have been one human being outside it, unless it was a relation of Stent, whose emotions or habits were affected by the new arrivals

I have no doubt that this was the third of the cylinders they had fired at us from Mars.

I began to see his face, blackened and exhausted, as no doubt mine was too.

No doubt, said the report, the situation was strange and serious, but the public was asked to avoid and discourage panic

No doubt the Martians were very frightening, but there could not be more than twenty of them against our millions.

These green stars - I've seen none for five or six days, but I've no doubt they're falling somewhere every night

I must admit that the trouble and danger of our time have left a continuing sense of doubt and fear in my mind