How to use "imagine" in a sentence


I'll try to stay alive as long as I can, but I can't imagine living longer than one more day

I am so weak and tired I can't imagine surviving that long

We can imagine her singing to herself as she walked along, a small woman, about 1.52m, and thin

In our violent times it is difficult to imagine the shock and horror that the Whitechapel murders caused in 1888

'Well then, I imagine the lucky girl must have money.'

I imagine I can see shapes and figures in the fog, and I want to run

And he begins to imagine Nick's face when he sees the bag, and he already begins to imagine the food that he can buy.

You can imagine the street outside: twenty terraced houses stretching down the road

"Can you imagine?" She looked across at Cham

Sala frowned, trying to imagine it.

Sala realized that for Gran, the rose fruit meant something real; it spoke of a world that Sala could only begin to imagine

She tried to imagine a future with no wrist chips and no force field

You'd have to imagine them." Sala giggled

Sala couldn't imagine anything worse in the whole world than someone trying to harm Gran, Mom, or Apat.

But she couldn't imagine what had knocked the easel over

But she wasn't able to imagine what it could be.

Now she couldn't imagine how or why she had ever cared.

"But I'm sure I didn't imagine it

More than you can imagine."

I could imagine how eagerly he would question the boy.

It is difficult to imagine being in such a position, but I cannot believe I would be upset myself.'

Strangely, I could imagine Mrs Lestrange doing that, but not blackmail.

I can imagine that Lawrence must have looked very attractive, with his blue eyes shining.

His first thought, I imagine, must have been to run away

I found it hard to imagine Griselda like that.

He did not imagine that it might be hollow.

You have to imagine what happened to the gunners towards Esher, waiting so tensely in the evening light, because none of them lived to tell the story

You can imagine, too, how they watched as the blackness rose into the sky

After several more hours on the road, they suddenly saw the sea and the most amazing crowd of ships of all types that it is possible to imagine.

They were the strangest creatures it is possible to imagine

As I stood there, imagine my surprise, Mr Holmes, when the door suddenly opened and my wife walked out!

'I can imagine it all!' I said

Just imagine: it is evening