How to use "ears" in a sentence


'Oh, my ears and nose!' the White Rabbit cried

'Oh, my ears and nose!' he said quietly

She thought, 'I won't speak to it before it has its ears - or perhaps one ear.'

In another minute, she could see its ears and eyes.

"Grandmother, what big ears you have!"

Its red and blue lights fill the evening, and the sound of the siren fills his ears.

She looks to see what the pain is and pulls her headphones from her ears.

Sarah nods and is about to put her headphones back in her ears when she feels someone watching her, and she looks at the corner of the carriage.

I bent down to the dog and stroked its soft ears.

Gradually, as her ears stopped ringing, Vivienne perceived the soft empty hiss of the stereo speakers

He kissed her ears, her eyes again, and left a chain of kisses along her neck, and when at last he returned to her mouth, he kissed her more deeply than before, and she responded at once, opening her mouth to him.

Some people winced and put their hands over their ears.

Tina wasn't able to cover her ears; her arms hung straight down at her sides, frozen, rigid, hands fisted, and she couldn't find the will or the strength to lift them

I cried softly, imagining some horrible re-arrangement of Andre's face - perhaps his eyes where his ears should be, or his mouth at the back of his neck

Nothing can ever make me forget that dreadful white hairy head with its two pointed ears

I moved away from the hole, put my hands over my ears and ran into the hall

I awoke to find that sad howling still in my ears: 'Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla,' It was now getting dark, and after I had found some bread and cheese in the bar I walked on through the silent squares to Baker Street and so came at last to Regents Park