How to use "easel" in a sentence


As she started toward the door, she caught sight of the easel, stopped, and turned

Danny had liked to draw, and the easel, complete with a box of pencils and pens and paints, had been a birthday gift when he was nine

It was an easel on one side and a chalkboard on the other

But now it lay at an angle, the base against the wall, the easel itself slanted, chalkboard-down, across a game table

An Electronic Battleship game had stood on that table, as Danny had left it, ready for play, but the easel had toppled into it and knocked it to the floor.

But she couldn't imagine what had knocked the easel over

She put her gun down, went around the foot of the bed, and stood the easel on its legs, as it belonged

When she went into Danny's bedroom, she saw at once that the easel-chalkboard had been knocked over again

The easel lay on the carpet, the chalkboard facing down.

She stopped at the easel, set it up as it belonged, hesitated, then turned the chalkboard toward her.